Under the Mistletoe: Wakamatsu Kousuke

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Snow was falling and carolers were singing in the middle of the shopping district. You stood awkwardly in the middle of it all, waiting for your date to arrive. Part of you thought him asking you out on yet another date was too good to be true. What was this? Like your nth date. But then his messy, light blonde hair came into your line of vision. A bright smile came onto your face before you turned around to cover it up.

"(F/N)-CHAN!" he waved to you and ran over. "IT'S OkAY IF I CALL YOU THAT RIGHT?!"

"Yeah that's fine! Please quiet down a little! You're attracting everyone else's attention!" a bigger blush formed across your cheeks as your small hands subconsciously covered his mouth.

A muffled,"Okay." came through the cracks of your fingers. 

"So, Wakamatsu-kun, what are we going to do tonight?" his fingers laced through yours, swinging between your bodies.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Kousuke?" he squeezed your hand while smiling down to you.

"S-sorry!" you blushed and hid in his arm trying to calm down. "Kousuke, what are we going to do tonight?"

A snicker escaped his mouth before he spoke, "I thought that maybe we could just walk arouND AND GRAB A BITE TO EAT!!"

"Kou-chan! Calm down!" a giggle left your own mouth while you guys stopped in front of a restaurant. "But that sounds good to me."

"AWESOME!" his fist went up in the air triumphantly as he held the door open for you. 

"Kousuke!" you dug your nails lightly into the skin of his hand "Tone it down a bit." gosh, normally he wasn't this bad. He was acting kind of nervous.

"Ah, sorry." he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly with a tint of red on his face.

After you guys ate you made your way through the district just window shopping and having a great time. Suddenly you stopped, looking into a department store window, (E/C) sparkling brightly in desire. You had seen a simple necklace with (Favourite Superhero).

"Do you waNT IT?" you just nodded without realising it. When you suddenly felt something hit your chest you jumped and squeaked. 

"Did you buy it for me?!" your body rapidly spun to look at him. "Kousuke you shouldn't have!" your arms latched around his neck for a tight hug.

"Y-you said you wanted it!" he blushed before hugging you back.

Half an hour later the two of you found your way back to the spot you met at. You gave a bright smile and a content sigh. 

"SO UH," he cleared his throat before continuing, "Would you like to go out on another date sometime soon?" 

"Yeah, I'd like to do that." you looked up to him noticing the sacred Christmas flower. "Er, Kousuke." your finger shakily pointed up to the red and green hanging down.

"Oh my gosh..." his eyes wandered up and looked at it in shock. "I didn't imagine our first kiss to be like this." the tone of his voice was soft and serious. His fingers slipped under your jaw and turned your face to look at him. Then a pair of soft lips lightly pressed down on yours. You kissed him back with your arms snaking around his neck. 

"Tonight was the best." you gasped once your lips broke away.

"I want to have a lot of nights like this with you, (F/N)."

Your grip on him tightened as you stood on your tippy-toes to give him another soft, passionate kiss.


I hope you guys liked it!

My next update will be tomorrow I guess.

Send in any request you have!

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