Mother's Day Special

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So these are gonna be scenarios. I'm going to do the GoM's and the person they're always with. I'm only going to do a few guys today, however, I want to see how you guys like them before I do a million of these.

Seeing as your husband is an insanely rich CEO, he sent you and your best friend off to the best hot springs in Japan. So there you were, with (B/F/N), in the hot spring. Sure, you were insanely worried on how Seijuro would deal with the seven kids you guys had, but he promised to make your day special. Even this morning, you woke up to the smell of burnt eggs.

You sighed, leaning your head back, pure bliss running through your body. You haven't had a break from being a full time mother in years. Your porcelain eyes found there way to your friends own to she was feeling the same way. In about two hours the two of you were going to get massages, right after that, facials, then manis and pedis.

Still, you wondered how the red headed make would keep your kids under control. When he wasn't busy running businesses he would give all of his attention to you and the kids. It amazed you how he never had a breakdown, no matter what, he was always stellar.

Suddenly, a woman worker rushed into the hot springs, "Is there an, Akashi (F/N), in here?" her eyes searched frantically.

"Hai~." you answered lazily and rolled your head in her direction.

"Well, there is a gentleman with red hair and seven kids crying in the lobby." she bowed politely, "if you would please hurry."

In a matter of minutes, you were dressed and following her to the said area. Your eyes instantly locked onto the heterochromatic eyes of your husband. So much for your relaxing day at the hot springs. "Mums" and "mommy's" were hearted throughout the entire building as your personal bubble was infringed upon.

"Hi you guys!" you knelt down to their height. The oldest one was seven, you had twins that were six, triplets that were four and a one year old, four girls and three boys. "Now, what are all of you doing here?"

Akashi rested his hand on your shoulder, "they were all crying for you." you looked up at him then to them at how cute that was.

"Nah-uh!" the seven year old spoke, "Daddy really missed you mumma!"

"Really Daddy?" you giggled and wrapped your hands around his neck once you stood. He just looked away from you as you kissed his cheek. He shoved your baby into your arms then went to talk to the other children.


You sat in front of the to before you heard foot steps and Reo yelling at your son. "(Son's Name)! We can't show that to mum yet!"

"Why not?!" giggles escaped his mouth once Mibuchi ran and got him before he jumped onto you. This sparked your interest as you followed them into the kitchen.

"What can't I see?" you leaned on the doorframe as your son was getting glared at playfully from your husband.

"Otousan and I ma-" his dad out a hand on his mouth before he could finish, a vein popping out. He couldn't let you find out that they have been working on a crib together for his soon to be younger sibling.

"What did you guys make for me?" you waddled over to the two, a massive smile on your face.

"We were making a surprise for you, babe!" Reo quickly leaned down and pecked you on the lips.

You started pouting and waddling to the stairs, "Fine! I'll figure out for myself!"

"Okaasan let me show you!" your son wiggled form his dad's grasp and ran in front of you.

"I guess we have to show you, huh (F/N)?" your husband trapped your hand and lead you to the baby's room.

You gasped once you saw the beautiful crib. "It's amazing you two!" a hand covered your mouth whilst the other rubbed your stomach.

"Otousan did most of the cutting and stuff but I helped sand it down and paint it!" your son smiled widely, loving the praise he got from you.

"Why thank you!" you ruffled your sons hair and looked at Reo. "Thank you too Otousan!"


You groaned looking at the mess your husband made with your one year old in his arms.

"Shin-chan I didn't even know someone could make a mess like this!" Midorima decided to give you money for shopping and you came back to see your house practically turned inside out.

"I-it's unlike I tried to make a mess!" he pushed your daughter into your hands, "She kept walking all over and eating random things!"

Your mouth fell open, "you mean she waLKED?! DID YOU GET IT ON CAMERA?!" you squeaked while bouncing your daughter.

"L-like I wanted to do that, besides, she kept sitting down when I was going to film her." he pushed his glasses up, a faint blush on his face.

"Ne~ (Daughter's Name), why do you do all the cool things without me?" you started towards the kitchen and stopped suddenly. Since you were a well known chef, Midorima knew how much you loved a clean kitchen. "MIDORIMA IF THIS HOUSE ISNT CLEANED UP BY THE TIME I'M DONE CHANGING OUR DAUGHTER YOU ARE DEAD!"

Giggles came from outside your bedroom door. You rolled over, hoping to feel Takao under half of your stomach but he wasn't there. You knew it was Mother's Day, and you were praying he didn't go out of his way to make you happy. To bad for your luck yeah?

You heard strumming of a toy guitar and the door swung open once you sat up. A parade of your family came in singing--yelling, "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MUMMA! WE ALL LOVE YOU!"

"Wait daddy!" your youngest stopped singing, "how'd the song go again?" your attention went to Kazu-kun and you saw your favourite kind of cake in his hands.

"Ugh, just give the cake to your mum!" he sasses. You chuckle, seeing the bags under his eyes. You turn to the clock to see its six in the morning. "Grandma will be here soon. I want your mum to me all day!"

"Well, Kazu, you are simply the best." you motioned for him to come to the bed. He did what was asked of and you pulled him onto the bed.


You fangirled when you opened the front door. Underneath a Mother's Day banner stood your husband and twin sons with Maji Burger in there hands. Your fourteen year old sons looked way bored and were texting, but Kuroko had a bright smile on his face via your reaction.

"Oh you guys!" you pinched both of your sons cheeks, "thank you!"

"Mum stop. This is embarrassing." the elder of the twins cringed away from your touch.

"Seriously mother." the other said. They both had Kuroko's piercing blue eyes and your vibrant (H/C) hair.

"Tch." you rolled your eyes and pulled them both into a hug. "Tetsu thank you for doing this!" It wasn't much, but it was still thoughtful, especially for Kuroko and your sons.

"No problem (F/N)-chan."


Your nose wiggled as you smelt your favourite breakfast cooking. You quickly ran from your room to see your husband making Belgium Waffles for you.

"Taiga!" you jumped onto him. "It smells amazing!"

"(F/N)!" he kissed your check quickly, "don't jump around like that! It must be bad for the baby!" he forced you off of him and knelt down to your three month baby bump.

"I'm sure a jump once in a while won't hurt!" you giggled at your worried husband. "So, why're you making me breakfast?" you licked your lips, eyes shining with excitement.

"Happy Mother's Day." he said in English, handing you an already done waffle with chocolate syrup in a heart shape on it.

"Aw! Thanks Taiga!" you pecked his lips and quickly went to work on the food.

I was starting to run out of ideas, ugh.

I hope you guys all enjoyed these!

Remember to send a request anyway you want!

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