Binge Watching: Nebuya Eikichi

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Eyes glued to the tv screen, pillow held close to her chest. Her boyfriend was happy as long as he had his meat. She sat happily between his legs, giggling and squealing childishly as the storyline of (Favourite Anime/Show) got more intense. Every once and awhile Nebuya would reach up to her mouth, urging her to take a bite of food. He thought her current actions were annoying, but with his love for her, he was able to ignore it. 

So how did they end up with all these snacks and drinks around them in her room? Jeez, the room was pretty dark too... If her parents were home they would've gotten the wrong idea. Nebuya's biggest question, however, was how in the heck did they ended up doing this in the first place?! 

The two had gotten the day off, and of course the (H/C) haired girl had offered for them to hang out. This isn't what he thought she meant by hang out, but he got to spend time with (F/N), that was all that mattered. I mean c'mon, this is like, their nth episode of (Favourite Anime/Show). He just wanted all her attention... and red meat.  

"Ne, (Nickname), why do you like this stuff?" Nebuya spoke through a mouth full of food; god how he loved her cooking.

"Who wouldn't like something like this?!" when she felt him move his bowl to the side table, she allowed her body to fall back onto his muscular chest. It may have been hard, but to her, it was better than a pillow. The heat and smell he gave off always made her feel home.  

"We have been watching it all day. I thought you might want to do something fun." a pout was evident in the male's voice. Resting his lips on the top of his lover's head his arms slipped around her to rub her legs. Okay so earlier they /may/ have done some rather promiscuous activities, but still; he didn't just want sex from her. 

"Eikichi, you clearly don't understand the concept of binge watching." she hummed, not minding the soothing touch his hands gave her sore thighs. "I don't like the idea of an episode a week; I'm more of a season a day type of person." 

She could feel the cogs turning in his head while he comprehended what she had said. When she felt him exhale heavily on her head she knew he finally understood what she meant. That sigh also meant he was highly disappointed in her. "Baka."

An hour later she sat there, heart shattered and tears streaming down her face. Why did the main character ruin the ship? Her sobs caused her bored lover to wake up. 

"Eiki!" her wavering voice choked out his nickname, "Promise you will never break my heart!"

"(F/N) you know that show isn't real right." he mumbles into the girl's small frame. As she gasped he knew he had said the wrong thing, "But if it was real that would never happen to us because I love you too much to lose you." 

"... I think I heard you say move on to season three instead of giving me attention." how cold of her. 

"W-what? Babe no, how about you come watch me play basketball. I'll even treat you out to dinner." throwing the light fangirl over his shoulder he made his way to the door. As soon as his ears heard her melodious giggles he continued, "I really do love you too much that I can't lose you." 

"You know Eikichi, you would never be able to lose me. Even if someone would pay me for binge watching my favourite show."


It's rather short and all but I thought it was comical gold for some reason.

Hope you enjoyed!

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