Requests: Seto Kentarou

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lololololololol thank you guys for waiting for this update


The putrid taste of vomit filled your mouth as you held your head over the toilet. Never in your life had you thought that being pregnant would be this hard. It's been two months since you and your husband found out about the little bundle of joy that was growing inside of you. But honestly, how could you think this was a joy?

You were constantly getting sick, Seto wasn't letting you do hardly anything, and your mother-in-law insisted that she stay with you until the baby was born. Ah yes, we shouldn't forget to bring up that whenever you really do need someone's help no one is there... You need to get something from the highest shelf, Kentarou is sleeping. You're getting sick, his mom is getting groceries and Ken is sleeping. You're feeling lonely and depressed, Ken is at work (or sleeping) and his mother is nagging. So really, the situation you're in right now is hell.

Returning to the living room, you find the supposed love of your life sleeping on the couch. It upset you that he was always taking these naps but, what were you supposed to do? He worked so hard for your soon to be family... It made you love him more, but the weekend naps? You were only asking for some attention.

"Senpai~." you gently poked his shoulder, "I get that your tired, but... I also want to nap, but napping is better when I get to cuddle with you..."

"Babe," he merely grunted as his front turned to you. Surprisingly his eyes were wide open. "I thought you'd never ask... I was getting lonely here on the couch." 

Was this all the truth? Was luck finally on your side?! Tears silently poured out of your eyes as you leaned down to pepper thousands of kisses on his lips. "Really? That makes me so happy! Hurry and get up so we can cuddle!" because of you crying, your voice cracked and the kisses were wet.

"Whoa, why're you crying?!" at the sudden mood change, he nervously stood up to hold you in his arms.

"I'm just so happy! I honestly thought you had forgotten about me!" sobs now shook your body as your head went to rest on his chest, "Whenever I need you, you're sleeping or busy or you're going out to play ball with the guys! You don't even invite me to watch anymore! D'you know how happy I get when I can watch you play basketball?"

What did the doctor say that you would have again? Oh yeah, mood swings... That's what you must be going through. He might as well entertain you. "How much do you enjoy it, babe?"

His chin rested on your head as his thumbs started rubbing circles into your back. "Tons," a sniffle left you as his soothing gestures started to cheer you up, "I used to look forward to every Saturday but now I hate them. You haven't taken me to a game since we found out that we're having a child."

"Would you like to come to my next game?"

"And the one after that... and the one after the one after that... I want to watch you play basketball any chance that I can."

"Does my lady have any other requests?" 

"Yes. I want to nap with you whenever you take naps... I also want you to help me whenever I ask... and maybe get your mom out of here she is being mean to me..."

Finally, a chuckle escaped his lips as he slowly started guiding you to your bedroom. "Those all seem manageable."

"Yes..." you mumbled out as he slid the both of you under blankets.

- extended -

"Senpai, are you asleep?" your head turned to its side so your face was millimeters away from his. 

"Hmmm?" despite his eyes being closed he still responded, it really was lucky.

"I also forgot to tell you that I request random kisses throughout the day."

He took that one very seriously seeing as he just gave you a passionate kiss.


I hope you guys liked that... sorry about not updating sooner. as mentioned i was at youmacon and i was just in a really really big slump.

tell me if you made a request and i haven't written it yet.

or just make a request if you have yet to do so.

im p sure this one was requested but hey, im very clearly not keeping track.

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