30|| If you were Looking for a Plaything, you Should've Headed to Toys-R-Us

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"How close is close?" Cady asked, still sounding like she'd swallowed a frog.

I blinked. "Pretty close?"

"Well," Cady said, sounding stiff. "People like Nat are crazy. They'd do whatever they had in their power to get their crush's attention."

"You still like Dylan, don't you?" I whispered, and she paused, and then nodded slightly.

"Yeah, I do," she admitted finally.

I squeezed my eyes shut. No, I didn't like Dylan what-so-ever. He was just another attractive guy in my life. There were just too many of those.

I shall start making ugly guy friends.

"Oh," was all I could think of.

Well this complicated things.

Stupid feelings. Maybe I'll take Deeds up on that offer to get together with her, if she wasn't with someone right now.

I wonder who the flavor of the month was this time.


I like the rain. I like the way it pitter patters across the dull pavement and little kids in yellow raincoats and galoshes jump into puddles and spray water across the area. I like the way the clouds loom overhead and form a gray blanket.

What I don't like is mud, which seems to be found in abundance when it rains.

Oh, did I say don't like? I'm sorry, I meant hate.

If there was a mudophobia or something, I'd have it. I just hated that brown substance with everything in me and I hated the way it caught onto your ankles and dried up there, leaving the crusty sheet of earth like a weird impersonation of a log.

I walked slowly towards my house, relishing the feeling of the cold water dripping down and leaking into the back of my shirt and trickling down my spine.

Yes, I was a weird person. I liked what other people would have avoided.

I was carrying my rainbow umbrella and walking home despite everyone else's protests that I'd fall ill. I liked the rain, and my house wasn't that far from school. A ten minute walk would be the maximum I needed to waste on my way.

I took out my phone (under the umbrella of course) and grinned.

Popcorned: Hey!

Starlight24: Hi there =D

Popcorned: 'Sup?

Starlight24: Just for the record, 'sup is a terrible conversation starter.

Popcorned: Why's that?

Starlight24: I believe if you're true friends, 'sup isn't required because you jump to the topic already and immediately.

Popcorned: Okay, that's not true. 'Sup is a way of finding out about what people are doing in their lives so you can comment on it.

Starlight24: Well, if the other person actually wanted you to comment on their lives, they'd tell you about it!

Popcorned: Alright, what is going on in your oh-so-interesting life that I can comment on?

Starlight24: Now that's the thing. Because I don't like you, I'm going to say 'nothing much' and end our conversation right now because it will die.

Popcorned: Um... well then.

Starlight24: Just kidding. If you mean what's up figuratively, then I just found out I kinda-sorta have a very close relationship to one of my best friend's crushes and another best friend's ex.

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