Smiling is the key.

"Ok, then please follow me. We gonna go see the boss"

I follow him, we take a hall. There is an office. There is also " Boss" written on the door.

The guy knocks, tell me to wait then went inside.

Then he came back out and told me to enter. After that he left.

I enter the office, there is a man wearing normal clothe, he gets up and shake my hand.

He tell me to sit down and I sit.

"So you here for the job??", he asks.

Yes duhh!!

"Yes sir"

"What is your name?"

"Asli Ahmad"

"I am Paul David, I own this Café. Have you ever worked in a café, if you did how many years??"

"Honestly sir I have never worked in a café, this is my first time but I promess I will learn"

"You have no experience and you want me to hire you huh?"

"I know that I don't have experience sir. But I will learn everything that is required"

"Why would I hire you?? Tell me your qualities?"

Damn, think Asli why should he hire you??

"Because I am fast learner, I am never sick, and I can work on holidays too", I was shaking what if he doesn't give the job. Oh Allah makes this easy for me.

He looks at his watch, then me.

"But first thing first do you even know how to make black coffee?"

Heck yeah I do.

"Yes I do sir", I smile because I know how to make the best coffee.

"Then let's see, I want you to make me a black coffee, if I like it. I will hire you"

"I promess sir, it will be the best coffee you ever taste it in your life"

He gets up and I follow him.

We go back to the front. I see that the Café is pretty empty. Maybe it is time to close or something.

He sits on a chair.

"The kitchen is yours, make me a black coffee, it better be good Ms.Ahmad"

Oh god! what if they have those machines that are hard to use.

Then I go behind the counter, and they have the normal coffee machine I know how to use, Alhamdulilah.

I take the coffee pot, I wash it. Then pour a lot of water, full to the top.

My mom always taught me that.

First rule: is to always clean the coffee machine.

When the coffee pot is full, I pour the water in the coffee machine, like we normally do when you make coffee.

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