Pulling away from Caroline, Sapphire scanned the crowed that had now surrounded them. And her eyes met the familiar set of grey orbs and her heart skipped a beat. "Bennett." she breathed and the corner of her lips curled into a smile. He slightly nodded silently assuring her that everything was fine and all she had to do was trust him.

A hard tug on her arm made her tear her eyes off him. Noel glared at her with a unfamiliar expression on his face, "He's just a guest Sapphire, we can see him later." he growled lowly as he dragged her to where the Rodriguez waited for them along with a few other guests who were eager to meet the youngest member of the Rodriguez family.

"You look lovely." Jason commented as he kissed both her cheeks. "Thank you." she replied with a smile, that didn't quite reach her eyes. And yes he did notice it. Patrick cleared his throat making them turn towards him. "Come on Sapphire, let me introduce you to some of our guests." he said as he looped his arms with her's and led her away from Noel.

BENNETT took a wide sip of his champagne as he watched his Sapphire elegantly stroll around, her arms neatly tucked under her father's. To say she looked beautiful would be an understatement. She looked breathtaking. The dress she wore hugged her like a glove. Flaunting her curves in the right place.

"This place is heaven." Emily gushed as she admired her surrounding with wide eyes. "I don't believe she lived here all her life." she added absently. "Keep your voice Down, there are people around." he snapped, irritated by her constant nagging. "Will you just stop being so moody for once?" she snapped back at him.

"We aren't here to have fun Emily. We are here for a reason. And we have to stay focused." he reminded her momentarily shutting her up. He glanced at his watch and let out a heavy breath. They still had a lot of time to kill before they actually get to their plan. But before that he needed to find Logan and once again discuss the plan for one last time.

And like the age old saying goes 'You think of the devil and the devil appears.' the huge double doors open and the devil himself walks in with two lovely women clinging to him in both his arms. "You must be kidding me." Bennett muttered as he watched the trio make a dramatic entry. Making a few other guests stare at them in confusion.

When Logan had mentioned brides maids and high heels he had thought he was just joking. But seeing his brothers dressed in those ridiculous evening dresses, it seemed like the guy was very much serious about it. Following his gaze Emily stared at them with wide eyes, "Holy son of a-" she paused as she realised where she was standing. She fished through her clutch bag and pulled her phone out and opened the camera app.

"This is sure as hell going on Instagram." she commented, her eyes sparkling in excitement. Bennett ignored her and continued to study their appearance. Truth be told, the makeup artist had done a fabulous work on them. Other then their broad shoulders and their unusual height they could actually be mistaken for women.

Especially Cam, who was dressed in a pink colour floor length dress with short sleeves. And he was wearing a blonde wig. That look more real then fake. His makeup was neatly done. Not exactly caked and not exactly light. Ryan on the other hand went a little bold with a bright red knee length sleeveless dress and glossy black long hair and bright red lip.

"This is so embarrassing." Cameron complained as he carefully tried to walk with those killer heels. "Come on, it's not as bad as you think." Ryan replied in a fake girly voice. "You are saying that because almost every male inside this room is looking at you." "Are you jealous brother?" he teased with a raised eyebrow. Sure he was having fun.

Cam rolled his eyes, "Jealous of what?  You? Oh please." instead of being annoyed by his brother's response he just smiled at him, "You can deny it but you can't hide it." he said with a smug look on his face. Cameron let out a frustrated sigh and decided to ignore him for the rest of the evening and concentrate on not tripping over and breaking his neck

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