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Simon's P.O.V.

We had both finally gotten ready and it was time to go. We said goodbye to Vik and JJ and then left the house. I decided to drive because Josh was far too anxious.

"So do you want to tell me anything about them that could be helpful? You know so that they can be on our side." I said trying to calm him down but making it worse.

"Let's just say there is no way of you getting them to be on our side. My dad is a racist, homophobic jerk." He said looking out the window.

"You know what? We are going to go to this dinner and we are going to just put on smiles. Afterwards we can get a hotel room, get drunk and do whatever we dream of." I said as he looked over at me and smiled.

"No, I'm overreacting. I'm sorry. This is about us, no one else." He said grabbing my hand and kissing it.


We had finally got to Josh's dads house. It was humongous. I almost forgot how rich Josh's dad was.

We got out of the car and grabbed our bags. We got to the door and Josh just looked at me scared and worried.

"Everything is going to be okay." I said whispering as I kissed him on the cheek.

He lifted up his hand and knocked on the door. After a few seconds Josh's dad came to the door.

"Hi dad." He said as his father smiled and welcomed us in.

We got directed to our room and of course the beds were separate.

"You both are coming to the party this afternoon, correct?" His dad asked as he nodded.

"Of course we are dad." He said as he dad patted him on the back and then left.

We both went inside and set down our luggage.

Josh fell straight on to the bed and just sighed.

"You okay?" I asked sitting down on the side of his bed.

"I don't know, I thought my dad was going to react differently. I guess he is just waiting to attack." He said groaning.

"Maybe your dad has changed. He's realized that he messed up and now he probably wants to get to know his son." I said as he shrugged his shoulder.

"You know what, let's just get ready." He said getting up and going into the bathroom.


I decided to wear a simple short sleeve button up and Josh decided to wear a polo.

"Come on." I said as I grabbed Josh's hand.

He just pulled away and opened the door. I walked out and went down the hallway with Josh dragging behind.

"There is my son and his friend." His dad said pulling Josh in for a side hug.

Josh just smiled and put on an act as I did the same.

"This is my first son. His mum had actually died of kidney cancer. He is my memory of her and I love him so much." His dad said as I saw Josh break down on the inside.

The couple his dad were talking to were just in awe and thought that it was completely adorable. While I knew the truth and I could see Josh was hurting.

The night went on and Josh's dad kept in using the same sob story. Josh did nothing about it and whenever I would try Josh would stop me.

We finally all sat down for dinner with a bunch of other business people. Josh's dad went on about his company and then started to talk about his wife and Josh's step brothers and then started to talk about Josh.

"Joshua, Joshua is my first son. The first boy that is mine. His mum was the sweetest of women. She loved Joshua and sadly she died from kidney cancer when Joshua was just four years old. That is why I started my business, so that I would have something for my son. I always want what is best for Joshua." He said as everyone raised their glasses and sipped their drinks.

Josh got up and walked out of the room as everyone looked in my direction. I ran after Josh unsure of what to do.

"Josh! Josh!" I yelled as he went into our room.

"I can't do it Simon. I just can't do it. I thought I could, but then my dad started to say all of that shit. Every single lie. He is using my mum and I can't deal with that anymore. It's bullshit and I'm tired of his ways." He said as he sat down on the edge of the bed and started to cry.

I went up to him and snuggled him and kissed him.

"Stop, you don't have to go through with this. I thought maybe that if your dad saw that you were happy that maybe he would want to come. I now know that he is just a dick." I said as Josh turned his head to look at me.

"Joshua! What the fuck was that all- what the fuck is this?!" His dad said barging into the room.

He went up to us and pulled me away slamming me to the wardrobe.

"You are a disgrace to the family. First you leave Freya and now you for this boy?!" His dad yelled as Josh got up.

"His isn't just some boy, he is the love of my life and the one person that I want to be with. That is why I am marrying him. Soon my name will be Joshua Minter and I will never have to remember you. You always wondered why I chose mums maiden name, it's because you are the fucking disgrace. Every single thing you said tonight was a fucking lie. You did this business for yourself. All you care about is yourself. I'm leaving and I'm never coming back." He said as his dad just looked.

"Fine! Get the fuck out of my house." He said as Josh grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

We grabbed our luggage and left the house getting into the car and leaving. I looked at Josh as he just kept his eyes on the road.

I felt his hand go over mine and he just squeezed it.

"I meant everything I said in there. You know that right?"

"Yeah Josh, I know that." I said as I felt myself smile as he did the same.

A/N: so I know I kind of went a-wall and it's not because of writers block or that I'm not enjoying this book it's more of what I am doing next with my books. I've been looking at all of the comments and seeing that a bunch of them are for one and two and if you don't know what I'm talking about it is my tag book just so you know. But yeah, and I don't know it's kind of weird seeing that all because I want to do what you guys would see, but I feel as if all I do is write minizerk, like literally ten out of eleven of my books are minizerk. I don't know, it kind of just got to me a little.

But don't worry that doesn't mean that I am not finishing this book and not doing the sequel. It just means, that I don't know what I'm doing next. So yeah, that's all, hope you enjoyed sorry for not uploading sooner. Bye!

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