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Simon's P.O.V.

"Hey, where are you going dressed like that?" Josh asked laughing as I put on my sneakers.

"I'm going hiking, with Liam." I said feeling heat rise to my face.

"You're going on a date." He said poking me on the side.

"Stop it." I said laughing as he then tackled me.

"You're going on a date, you're going on a date." Josh said acting like a little kid.

"Okay, okay I'm going on a date can you stop now." I said as he stopped and looked me in the eyes.

I was on top of him and he was just laughing and he slowly stopped. Oh how much I wanted to kiss him. But oh how wrong that would be.

"I'm, yeah, sorry." I said as I got up and put my hand out for him to grab.

He grabbed my hand and every time he does I can promise you that it is a perfect fit.

I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." I yelled as Josh then toppled over me.

"Oh my god, sorry." He said as I just laughed and Liam just looked at us.

"Need a little help there?" He asked as we both just laughed and nodded.

"This is what happens when you decide to wear only socks with wood flooring." Josh said as Liam pulled him up.

I got up and Liam just smiled.

"Is Emma in the car?" I asked as Liam nodded and Josh gave a weird face.

"Oh?" Josh asked making Liam and I laugh.

"It's his cat." I said as Josh nodded.

"So you two live together?" Liam asked as Josh nodded.

"Yeah, we live with two others too. We do YouTube videos online." Josh said as he then realized how weird that sounded.

"What he means is that we making gaming videos online, we are called the sidemen." I said as he looked at me shocked.

"Wait?! That means you guys are friends with KSI? JJ?" He said making us both laugh.

"Yes, we are friends with JJ." Josh said laughing.

"Sorry." Liam said blushing.

"No, it's okay. It's just always weird to hear people call him KSI." I said as Josh nodded.

"Well, I have to film some stuff, I'll see you soon. Enjoy your date." Josh said making me blush.

He then went upstairs and closed his door behind him. We went out to Liam's car where Emma was sitting in her kennel in the back.

"I didn't know this was a date." Liam said as I sat down in the passenger seat and he sat in the drivers seat.

"Well, it isn't if you don't want it to be." I said blushing even more than before.

"I mean, I would like it to be as long as you want it to." He said laughing.

Wow did he have a beautiful laugh.

"I mean...yeah I would like it to be a date." I said hesitant at first but then assured.

"Well then, I'm happy I brought a picnic. I know the perfect spot to go." He said smiling making me smile.

I felt butterflies start to form in my stomach. God was I happy.


We soon enough got to the trail and Liam parked his car. He then got out and went to the back and I followed.

"Aww, she's so cute." I said as he opened the kennel door.

"Thanks." He said smiling as he grabbed her out of the kennel.

"How old is she?" I asked as he held onto her and then put her on his bag.

"She's about three years old." He said petting her, "do you want to give her a treat?"

He gave me one of the treats as I put out my hand for her to grab it.

"Why are you so scared?" He asked laughing.

"I'm more of a dog person. Not really use to cats." I said making him laugh.

"Emma's more of the sweet types. She's not like other cats." He said smiling as I then turned to him and smiled.

He grabbed my hand and we started to walk down the trail.

"So you now know that I play games for a living," I said laughing making him laugh, "what do you do for a living?"

"I'm actually a veterinarian. Emma here is one of the rescue cats. I decided to bring her home. She spoke to me," he said laughing, "stupid I know, but I love her. My whole life I have had my black Labrador and last summer he died. When I was at my worst point of it all, I spent most of my time with the rescue cats. She was there for me."

"That's no where close to stupid. I'm so sorry that you lost you dog. I couldn't even imagine losing mine. I love her far too much to lose her." I said as he just smiled and bumped me in the shoulder.

"So, where does this bring us exactly?" I asked making him laugh.

"You'll see. Enjoy nature. You obviously don't get out a lot. So just enjoy the moment." He said making me laugh.

"Wow, is it that obvious?" I said making him laugh even more.


It went to around fifteen minutes and we finally got to the spot.

He set down a blanket and let Emma lie down.

"Wow this is breath taking." I said as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Not as beautiful as my view." He said as I looked towards him wondering what he was looking at.

I soon enough realized that he was looking at me and I felt heat rise up to my face.

"Stop that." I said shoving him playfully as he just laughed.

He set down his bag and sat down patting the spot next to him. I sat down and he snuggled me a little. It made me feel safe and warm.

"You hungry?" He asked as I nodded.

He grabbed a bunch of things out of his bag. He took out croissants and some strawberries with a bottle of white wine.

"Wow this is fancy." I said as he smiled.

"Thank you." He said as I smiled.

"Wait, I just realized you are a waiter and a vet?" I asked making him laugh.

"My dad is the vet, he wants me to become one but the truth is, is that I want to be a chef. That is why I took the part time job as a waiter. I actually made the croissants." He said as I took a bite of he delicious croissant.

"Oh my god, this is amazing." I said as he laughed, "did you go to school for cooking?"

"Yeah, when I was younger, but my dad made me go to vet school. I haven't really figured out a way to tell him that I don't want to be a vet." He said as I just nodded.

"I think he'll understand." I said as he nodded.

"Yeah, it's just hard on him. Him and my mom use to work at the office and took care of all the dogs. They loved it. Then after I was born my mom got really sick and ended up dying. I guess he just wants me to take that spot, but it's just not my passion." He said as I snuggled into him.

"He'll understand. If he is as sweet as you are then everything will be okay." I said as he then snuggled back into me.


We ended up finishing our food and so did Emma. We cuddled up with Emma lying beside us as we watched the sunset. It was truly beautiful and so perfect. But all I could think about is what my first date with Josh would be like.

The Choice -minizerk AU- Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora