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Simon's P.O.V.

I heard the door open as my mom brought Nick in. I looked at Josh who was peacefully asleep. I need to tell them, but I don't want to wake Josh.

I got up as I slid underneath Josh and went downstairs.

"Hey!" I said as Nick turned around and smiled.

"Oh my god, my little bro." He said as he gave me a humongous bear hug.

"Since when did you and dad give the same types of hugs?" I asked as he just laughed.

"I've been spending far too much time with them. I heard you had a surprise for us?" He said as he sat down at the island and ate some of the leftovers.

"Yeah, but I think we have to wait for tomorrow. Josh just went to sleep and we wanted to tell you all together." I said as my parents nodded.

"Well your father and I are going to bed. Are you going to be sleeping on the floor or do you want to use Jame's room?" My mum asked as I shook my head.

"Josh and I can share a bed. It's fine mum." I said as I kissed her goodnight and she went upstairs.

"So, why do you and Josh need to tell us? Why can't you just tell us?" Nick asked as I sat down and laughed at how eager he got.

"Wow, I guess that is something we have in common. We are both eager mother fuckers." I said as we both started to laugh hysterically.

"Nah, but seriously what's going on?" He said as I smiled.

"I want to tell you just as much as you want to know. You just have to be patient." I said as I got up and patted him on the back.

"Aw come on, you know I'm not patient." He yelled as I went up the stairs.

I just laughed.

"Well that sucks for you." I said as I went inside my bedroom to see Josh all curled up.

I pulled the blanket over him and I, and put his head on my chest. I started to play with his hair and soon enough got comfortable and started to drift off into sleep.


My eyes slowly fluttered open as I woke up to Josh who was also just waking up. I stretched out my arms and yawned as he had also yawned the same time as me.

"Good morning beautiful." I said as he looked up and smiled.

"Oh my god, we were suppose to tell them last night and I just fell asleep, I'm so sorry Simon." He said making me laugh at how upset he was.

"Josh, it's fine. I didn't want to wake you up and my parents totally understood why. I just think we should tell them now, rather than later because Nick was a little upset with me." I said as he smiled and got up out of the bed.

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower, is that okay with you?" He asked as I nodded my head yes.

I luckily took a shower last night. I decided to get changed and went downstairs to find everyone eating.

"Hello, how'd you boys sleep last night?" My dad asked as I grabbed a plate from my mum.

"Good, really good actually. Josh will be down in a few minutes and then we can tell you the news." I said as they both nodded.

"Is Josh still with Freya?" Nick asked making me laugh on the inside.

"That has to do with the surprise, stop getting ahead of yourself." I said as he just poured and kept on eating.

"Hi, sorry I really needed to take a shower." Josh said as he sat down next to me.

"It's fine. We understand. Here you go." My mum said giving Josh a plate.

"Thank you, it looks delicious." He said smiling making my mum smile which made me smile.

"Soo......tell us the news." Nick said making me laugh.

"So the first thing that I guess I would like to say, is that I'm pansexual. Meaning that I like any gender and I like the person based off their personality. Going off of that, I've liked Josh for quite a while." I said as they all looked at me as my mum smiled.

"I'm so happy for you." She said as Josh breathed.

"That's not it. I ended up finding out this and it turns out I'm bisexual. The reason this is important is because I have broken up with Freya, to be with Simon." Josh said as we put our hands together and lifted them up.

"Before you start talking, I want to say the last and final thing, we are engaged and we would like a small wedding and it would mean so much if you could all come." I said as my mum had the biggest smile on her face.

"Of course I'm coming to your wedding. I'm so happy for you two." She said hugging me.

"I'm happy that you are happy. We will always accept you and Josh in our house." My dad said hugging me.

"Don't break his heart, or I'll break you." Nick said as Josh nodded.

"Couldn't even think of it." He said looking at me making me blush a little.

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