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Josh's P.O.V.

"Josh! Josh! Wake up Josh!" Simon yelled as I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in the car.

"What happened?" I asked as I just looked around confused.

"You fell asleep during the car ride. You were saying I love you." He said and everything just seemed to slow down.

It was all just dream, none of it was real.

"Oh." Was all I could say as I got out of the car.

We decided to just sit at the front steps. It felt so weird. Sitting next to him knowing that none of those things had happened even though I wanted them to.

"What is the deal with you keeping us kissing?" He asked straight up.

"I don't know, and that is complete honesty. I guess I've just been ignoring you because I want to make sure that I don't mess anything up before my wedding. I don't know what is going on with my brain, but for some reason that kiss meant something." I said not telling him the full truth but just enough.

He looked up at me and then back down.

"Well, you're leaving in about three weeks. I will leave you alone. I'm sorry Josh." Was all he said as he got up and walked inside.

I wasn't sure if I should run after him or just stay outside. I would do anything for him, but I have to put Freya in front of him. We are moving in three weeks just like Simon said. I can live three weeks without Simon. I mean I've been doing it the last three months.


The three weeks went by quick with all of the packing and pre-recording. Simon did just as he said, he didn't talk to me, only when we were to record.

Tomorrow was the day that I was moving and I was kind of scared. Today we were packing all my boxes in the truck so that they could drive that to the plane.

"Thanks for helping guys, it truly means a lot." I said as JJ, Vik, Ethan and Tobi helped me carry each box out to the truck.

It didn't take too long, but getting them inside of the truck was the hard part.

I went back inside to grab the last box as I looked to see Simon looking at the box.

"What's up?" I asked as he looked up at me.

"Sorry, I'm just surprised that you have photo albums, of all the memories." He said looking down back at the photos.

"I don't know, sometimes I would get bored and that is what I would decide to do. It was whenever you guys were out and it was only me home. I would talk to Freya and I would talk about all of the memories." I said feeling myself tear up.

"It won't be the same without you." He said sniffling as I looked up at him as he looked up at me.

"Well I'm going to visit as much as possible. It's not like I'm moving to the west coast, I'll still be somewhat close." I said as I felt the tears start to fall from my eyes.

The guys came back in all talking and laughing. I wiped away the tears and so did Simon. I grabbed the box and went downstairs.

"Thanks guys, I truly means a lot." I said as they all nodded and walked into the kitchen.

I walked out and carried the box into the truck, closing the door after I set it down. Tomorrow I am driving the truck to the airport and saying goodbye to the guys.

I mean they are coming to visit in a month. That is when the wedding is going to be.

I don't even want to do this. But I have to, for Freya.

I walked back inside as I heard them all laughing in the kitchen and instead went upstairs to my bedroom.

I took out my camera and turned it on so that I could tell my fans what was going on.

"Hey guys, so a lot has happened and I don't really get to just talk to you one on one. As most of you know, I guess who have snapchat, Twitter or Instagram, Freya and I are engaged and are getting married in a month. What I need to tell you guys is, well as you can see, I'm moving. My room is totally empty because I am moving to New York City, so that I can be with Freya. She is already there, I just needed a little bit of time. This means that videos aren't going to be uploaded as often. So I'm sorry about that. It is all so weird with the fact that I am leaving, but don't worry, I will figure out ways to still record with the guys and all that. This also means that you won't see as many real life videos. So yeah, I just wanted to update you guys on everything that was going on. So that was it, bye!" I said as I finished the video and went into Vik's room and plugged in my camera to download the video on.

I decided to just upload it, no editing just that. It started to render and upload to YouTube. Thank you Vik for letting me use his computer.

I went downstairs and went into the kitchen where everyone was sitting.

"Did you record the video?" Vik asked as I nodded.

"Where are you going to sleep?" JJ asked as I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Probably just on the couch." I said as everyone nodded.

The rest of the day we just talked and bants around.

"Well I think Tobi and I are going to go now." Ethan said as we all walked over to the door.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Tobi said hugging me.

"Woah, you guys are coming with the others tomorrow, right?" I said as Ethan nodded trying to pull away Tobi.

"You're like a brother. You are a brother. Why do you have to go?" Tobi said acting like a little kid.

"Because we have grown up and this is something that grown ups have to do." I said laughing.

Slowly enough Tobi stopped hugging me and they went to his car and went back to their flats.

"I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed." Vik said as he walked to his bedroom.

I noticed that my video had uploaded and I got ready for all of the comments.

"Well, I'm going to go have a wank. See ya." JJ said as he walked up the stairs leaving just Simon and I.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Simon asked as I just nodded and we went to the living room.

We turned on the T.V. and decided to just watch some horror film. We both sat down and started the movie.

The movie ended up being pretty scary and Simon ended up cuddling into me. He was so cute and adorable and I just wanted to stay in this position forever.

I got up and carried him to his bedroom making sure that I don't hit his head or legs on the walls, due to how tall he is. I set him down on his bed and I felt a tug on my arm.

"Stay, please, don't sleep on the couch." He said making me feel uneasy.

"It's just better if I stay on the couch. I'll be fine." I said as he let go of the grip and let me walk out.

I stood outside his door still feeling the uneasy feeling. I know it is so wrong, it just feels so right.

"No Josh, you are in love with Freya." I said under my breath as I walked down the stairs back to the living room.

I laid down snuggled into a blanket as I slowly fell asleep. Why did that have to be a dream?

A/N: is it too late now to say sorry?

Yeah, that just happened. I got up all of your hopes and dreams to crush them 😈. I'm a horrible person, I'm sorry.

So I have a question, would you guys want another chapter? I feel bad and I could probably write one. So yeah, anyway I hope you aren't too upset, bye!

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