take (Continued pt.2)

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"Shape shift??!" Providence staggered back "Now why on earth would we know how to do that darling??" You place a hand on her shoulder "Its....actually not as hard as you think" "Definitely " Steven stepped in "I've never actually did it completely....but I did turn my fingers into cats!" Peridot laughed "Yeah , it must have a CATastrophe " she laughed even harder as she gazed around the room. Steven laughed awkwardly while you threw a pity chuckle. In the background you could hear Your friends mumbling at how corny the joke was after a few short moments Pearl took hold of the group . Each suit is In crested with a
A moon shard that allows you to have all the powers of a Gem. You mist master these powers in order to blend in with the rest of the Gems on homeworld." "Okay" Danny nodded "But how do we do that? "

"Simple" Amethyst chimed in "You Think of the item you want to be, "

"And once you've focused all of your energy , You should be able to transform"

"Like this?" From behind you heard a strange warbling sound. All of you turned to see a little bunny with blue eyes and Blonde fur. It had to be Astelle. "Yeah! Exactly like that! Your a natural!" Amethyst complimented. Olivia Picked him up "Oh! Your so precious!" She swooned Astelle Blushed lightly "Babe....." he whined "You embarrassing me......" Pheobe piped up "Me next! " She Whisper shouted And with that she turned into a Small Dragon pretty soon Everyone Began to shape shift into different animals. Kayna shapeshifted into a potato. Steven Broke into a cold sweat "I-I don't know about this" he said Shakily . you Give Him a warm smiled "Its okay Steven I'm right here with you , If you mess up , We mess up together ." Steven smiled back And with that you placed your hand in his , as you both let out a sigh. Closing your eyes you open them again With and You now had paws , Not only were they paws but they were Pinkish color. You fused again with Steven. All of your friends stared at the both of you in awe Prudence's (Who was a birb ) eyes widen "Kitty!" she smiled as she flew up to tourmaline ( the fusion) and sat on her ears, Marcel was astounded and pointed up to them "I WANNA DO THAT WITH (Y/n)!!" He exclaimed Pearl rolled her eyes "Please infuse the two of you" Tourmaline Whined "Awwwww ,pearl," You Heard Steven say from the inside Tourmaline then giggled . this was now you talking , "Perhaps we should Steven , we don't want to start anything." And with that tourmaline separated causing the both of you (As cats still) to is the floor with a loud 'THUMP'

"In time" Garnet spoke, "You all will be able to do this. In time . "

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