Christmas miracle

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it was the night before christmas, and everything was quiet. it been the same way for every day steven lay silently in his bed. it had been 6 months since steven was last conscious. whithiin that time everything seemed to be somehow,.....duller. the sun didnt shine as brightly , the days were long and quiet. nobody ever seemed to be in a "happy" mood , but that was just the surface. without steven beach city was just terrible. you sat along side the bed stroking stevens forehead. every day you helped keep him warm, clean , and made sure he was safe . and every night you prayed to the lord savior that he was safe that night. pearl , never seemed to talk to anyone anymore, amethyst kept trying to bring back the joy , even though she denied every factor of sadness she felt , knowing that it was 100% possible that steven might not be comming back, that they had just been holding on to a dead corpse for half a year. ganet was the only one who stayed strong, but everyone knew ruby and sapphire couldnt keep it together. the two seperated more oftern and would sometimes hide int the closet and cry silently on each others shoulder. greg never came to the temple , he couldnt bare to look at his bed writen son (how ever you spell THAT word :P) lying there motionless and pale. everyday people would stop by bringing flowers and thing. the first person to stop by was kiki, then sourcream, the Bill, then peedee, then onion, then, connie. but eventually people stopped comming in, fading away like the color green on a leaf in the fall. you had called your mother and told her that you were staying with steven for the rest of winter break. earlier in the year you explained to her what happened , so she let you stay over whenever it was nessesary. and as the day winded down , you finally allowed yourself to get some sleep. but before you did, you took his hand and began to prey;

"Now i lay me down to sleep

I prey the lord my soul to keep ,

if we pass before we wake

we pray the lord our souls to take

see us safely though the night ,

and wake us with the morning light.

lord, i prey that you lay your hands upon us as we sleep, as we......take the time to recover from the things we have lost, i prey that you take steven into your hands and give him a new life, i prey that you see thourgh all of us, heavenly father, i thank you for everyday that we are breathing, that steven is breathing , and if he never wakes up , i know that you have him with you . . i prey that you watch over us all. from our dearest friends, to our closest family. in jesus name my prey , AMEN "

you release his hand and gently place it beside him . as a tear streamed down your face. " if he never wakes up.........ill never love again. he was my one and only........." yoou close your eyes and try to get some sleep.

Steven's eyes slowly flutter open. "umh.......(Y/n)......."

you sit up quickly to hear the soft angelic voice of the little boy. "STEVEN????" you could hardly believe your ears. silence filled the air for another minute. you felt your heart sink. and tears weld into your eyes. but he said your name again , this time sitting up. "(y/n)........ is that.................... you? " his voice was soft and timid. you stood up "steven! you are ok! GARNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMETHYST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PEARl !!!!!!!!!!!!! CALL GREG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STEVEn ISAWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you say now hugging him tightly. "(y/N, how long was i out for? and could you.......loosen your grip? it really hurts" you are now basically bawling your eyes out, moments later garnet amethys and pear , and greg came running up the stairs. grege became teary eyed, too. "STEVEN!" "DAD!' greg ran over to his son and hugged him tight. there was an awful lot of commotion and no one could hear anyone. but eventually it ended up in ine big hug. the sun was already rising a bit brighter . " iloove you steven " you whisper to him. It was truly a christmas miracle.

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