when you actually meet rubipphire. ( Ruby and Sapphire)

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A/N : ok, so , i can understand if the last chapter was nawt what you would expect from a twelve year old, but yoou people do not live in philadelphia PA where most of this is natural....... i mean not for me , thats gross, but the kids who live where im from are all about that junk (you know who you are @Fangirl_Fantasy......-_-) also , with that being said about the comments, THE NEXT EFFIN PERSON TO FREAKING CORECT MY ERRORS IN A BOOK ( you also know who you are -_-), IM GOING TO DELETE THIS BOOK ALTOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT STRESS THAT ENOUGH......im sorry i yelled....i didnt mean to , its just that i dont like looking at the same comments every time i looked at the screen.......i didnt up date for the last two days because, on tuesday i am going to sleep away camp, and i need  to get my stuff together....so sorry about that. hope you guys understand, thanks

it was the day after stevens little "Entrance into the pubesscent erra" you werent too sure if you wanted to talk to him right now so you went to garnet. "garnet can i talk to you two?" you ask whispering alittle. you didnt want to knnow if steven was there and well you were really only there to talk to rbuy and sapphire, no one else.  garnet tuned to look at you "Hmm>" she said with a nod. you took her hand and quickly pulled her out of the temple and sat on the beach with her. "I......................Kinda need you to unfuse.......i need to talk with ruby and sapphire......." you say rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly.  at first , GArnet was alittle uneasy, after a final nod at the head , she began to depart to see Ruby and Sapphire.  ruby crossed her arms over her chest, while Sapphie  folded her hands. "what is it (y/n)?" sapphire asked softly  ruby chimed in. "yeah, is everything ok?' you nodded quickly "oh yeah yeah , every thing is fine, its just.....well, " you pause for a moment.  Go one " said sapphire ,still relaxed. you look down in the sand making no eye contact whatsoever. "well, um ..............so last night  my parents let steven stay over for the evening. " ruby gave a nod "Right?"    "and they had to go and take care og my grandmother because she was old. it was alll fine until i turned the lights off. he kept kissing my neck and other things that felt really uncomfortable. at some point i gave in but then had second thoughts........" by now you were speaking softer than Sapphire normally would. a small tear fell down your face. you were rather scared and scared for life.  sapphie   put a comforting  hand on your shoulder as ruby hugged you "Is ok , (Y/n) ," ruby  spoke first . "steven is just being a boy."  sapphire finished second. when she released from the hug she wiped the salty tealr from your (s/c) face.  you were confused " what do you mean just being a boy? " both sapphire and ruby exchanged looks.  then turned back to you. " well, " This time sapphire began the sentance. " when kids , and gems grow up , they reach a certain point wherte they go throught some physical , and emotional changes.. wjich means steven is just changing from a boy to a teenager."  you cocked your head slightly . " so like...................puberty?"  ruby nodded. "Yes. but dont let this get in the way of you two's relationship, it could hurt him and yourself."

you smile alittle and nod "thank you both!!!!!!!!!!" . you scoop them up into your arms sapphie  hugged back . as did ruby. " we love you equally  and dont want you or steve to feel or be hurt." they said in unison, both smiling at the same time as well. when you release from the hug, you  watch as the two merge into garnet. garnet smiled and walked away. 

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