A romantic walk in the park

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Steven was finally feeling a lot better , and was up and moving again Mean while  you wanted nothing to do with  exercise or body movement . (Vote. If you can relate XD) steven came in the house running around .the bright sun bounced off of his rosey colored hoodie, and into your eyes.  "WHOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! "  he yelled loudly.   You lay on the couch fast asleep. Lightly snoring  when he saw that you were sleeping he smiled softly . "awwwwww isn't that adorable . 💜 he walked up to you and kissed your fore head. Then he left the room. He returned with a pillow, and a >:3 look on his fave .  "huehuehuehue".  He softly but quickly hit you in the head with the pillow shouting "wake up! Wake up ! Wake upXD " finally your eyes open and you are confused.  Eyes still full of sleep , you slowly sit up. And slowly blink your eyes. "Steven.....", you squeak. "Why.....? "   steven still had the pillow in his hand with his other on his hip . "I want you to come out side with me" she said  still smiling.  "No..." You whined." I'm tired ."  "and I'm fully enrgized! Come on let's  gooo" he forcefully pulled you off the couch.when you we're on the floor  he let your hand go.  But you lay there sprawled on the floor  and began snori g again (if any of this related to you vt ;). )   he stood atop you and  just looked. "(Y/n) " he whined . then he began  to poke at your face .  you open one eye lid and look at Da boi. "Steven why do you want to go out side? "

  "because. (Y/n) ......"

 "Because of what,steven "  

"because I wanna spend time with you ." 

"A long long time ago. There

 was a volcano 

Living all alone 

Int the middle of the sea"

 You know this song and immediately sing along

"He sat high above his bed,

Watching all the couples play

And wishing that he had someone too."

(Skips to end 

Both :  I have a dream I hope will come true 

(Y/n) that you'll grow old with me 

Steven :  and I'll grow old with you 

Both: we thank the earth sea and the sky we thank too

Both : I Lava youuuuuuuuu 

I lava youuuuuuu

I lavaaaaaaaa youuuuuuuuuuuu.

Both of you had gotten a standing ovation from about four or five other neighbors in the neighborhood. You blush wildly. As steven takes you hand and bows.  He chuckles a little , which caused you to do the same. Later that night  steven took you out for dinner. (A hotdog  and  some juice.).  And you two spent the rest of the night  talking and laughing with each other .   after a while it was late.  You two walked back to the temple  and  went straight to be d. And stevencas promised slept with you .

End of chapter :3  NOT!!

 As you slept you hear your phone get a notification. You pick it up  only to feel like your were staring at the FUCKING SUN  only to see that you mom texted you . "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!  " your rage woke Steven "hey, "what's wrong" 

"School starts next week."

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