When you text him

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you were sitting in bed debating whether you want to get up and use the bathroom, go downstairs to eat breakfast, or go back to sleep altogether.  When you realize you don't want to do any of those things at all , you pick up your phone instead. Scrolling through Wattpad (what up wattpad reference  XD)  And reading stories about great comebacks. When your uncle texts you . you reply back to his message, but now something is pulling you into the urge to scroll through you contacts. And eventually , you give in. As you scroll through you see the following








.....and so on

You continue to scroll until you come across


You look at his name for a long time  trying your best to remember when you received this. Shrugging your shoulders, decide its worth a shot to see if he'll text you back.

(Y/n): Hey...Steven? this is (Y/n)

And within seconds , Steven replies back. ONWARD WITH THE CONVERSATION  is what you play in your head excitedly.

Steven: Hey (Y/n)! what's up?

(Y/n) : oh nothing much Hbu?

Steven: Same :P

(Y/n) : oh

Steven : so uh......wanna get together later?

(Y/n) : sounds good

Steven : good  c u then :D

(Y/n) : hehe , wait wat time?

Steven: oh! Right , uh 1-ish maybe?

(Y/n): OK :3

Steven : baiii

(Y/n) : byeee

You set your phone down and immediately hop out of the bed. You run to your mirror and jump up and down, squealing to your self. Your dad walks in seeing you do this and asks you what you were doing.  Startled, you loose your footing and trip over your self. Causing yourself to sit flat on your butt. Nonchalantly, you flip your (H/l) hair, like nothing happen and reply to your father's question  "nothing daddy, " you say sweetly. And with that you push past Him gently and swinging   your hands from side to side.

Hey guys what do you think?  Was it good? Was it bad? Was it awkward? You tell me! Don't forget to vt, comment, and if you haven't already, follow!

Thx, baiii

(I can't have y'all knowing my name anymore my friends are trying to look for this book 💀)


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