When you celebrate his birthday!!

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you were in the temple setting up for stevens party, and you had the gems take steven out to do something fun..... wiht the help of greg of course. november 4th , 2002, was the day he was born ( litterally 7 days before me XD ) and he was turning 14, so you wanted to make it special, after about 15 minutes of setting up streamer, you call the gang to see if they had everything under control, everyone was bringing a present and everyone was given a specific task.

Providence was to pick up the cake her mom made for the party,

kayna and marcel to pick up the games and stuff,

olivia and astell , to pick up the ballons- hundreads of them

pheobe and prudence went to pick flowers,

and dennis went to get a pinata.

OH! thsts rights youguys never met dennis, before, he is the newest member of the group, he had just recent ly move here from tennesee, and steven easily took him in as a best friend.

anywhooo, you were in charge of getting everyone there. you called all in your contacts, and made sure they were comming. you got an OK from






(and many more)

after about another halfhour, providence walked in with a three layer strawberry shortcake. you drool alittle and compliment the cake " whoa, P, that cake looks AMAZING!" providence smiled "why thank you darling , didnt i tell you my mother was quite the chef?" she gently sat the cake down on the table. today was stevens day, which meant you wore his theme . all the girls wore the same pink shirt steven had normally worn along with jean miniskirts, and spent millions of years the night before curling it. the guys, wore the exact thing steven wore on a regular basis, except they didnt curl their hair. dennis was a natural curly top as steven was. next to step in was olivia and astell, olivia lightly bouncing off the ground with astell holding her hand keeping her one the ground. she let go of the balloons and sat on the couch. "DONE " astell shouted. kayna came in with the crown for steven , and marcel came in with fire works......dont ask why..... pheobe and prudence ( the twins) came in with flowers and set them in a vase on the counter, and dennis came in with a cookiecat shaped pinata as asked " Wow, everything is coming together so nicely," kayna said with a smile

" i know, ! and the flowers look amazing PB& pru, " marcel said looking at the twins. dennis went over and smelled them "Mmmmmm these smell sweet ! the kind of flowers are they?" he asked . the wins glanced at dennis shyly, and softly spoke at the same time. "chrysanthemums." they said quietly. his eyes widen. d-did you just say chrysanthe-themums?" pheobe nodded. "Im *ACHOO* allergic *ACHOO* to crysanthemums *sniffle*" dennis sneezed and sneezed and sneezed. providence finally got up and handed him a tissue, he snezed once more, but his saliva cover her arm. "EWWWWWWWW DENNIS!!! IM GOING TO KILL YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" her arm flung back to beat dennis to a pulp, but instead she killed the cake. your eyes, almost fall out the sockets "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" you shout. it was only an HOUR till party time and you guys had no cake. and it cant be a party without cake. hesitantly you stand there. a slight twitch could be seen from under your eyes. you could hear astell say quietly, "shes totally gonna expload." and he was right. you did. you excused your self and exited into the next room. and shooouted at the top of yoour lungs "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" you finally take deep breaths- in through your nose, out through your mouth. you walk back into the room with everyone staring at you with wide eyes, it was pretty obvi, that they had been llistening to your outrage. " what are we going to do about the cake?!?!?!?" providence asked . there was a short sulence. then kayna broke it. "we could make one! " " but.........none of us can cook," prudence said softly. "Oh, it cant be that hard , peope do it all the time!" astell stepped in "YEAH!" he ran into the kitchen and puled out a bowl and put bunch of random stuff into the bowl. "lets see" he tapped hish chin then pointed to everything in the bowl. " Some donuts, cookies, a little bit of cream, and OOH popcorn!" he picked it up andput it in the oven. " stick it in the oven "and......." he pulled it out five minutes later and showed it to the kids. it looked terrible. " i dont think thas how you make a cake astell, " said dennis as he cocked his head to the side. providence steppedin and pushed astell to the side. " you cant just use cany darling! it is obiously like this!" she pulled out another bowl and began her concotion. " mymother said that making a cake that eveyone likes nedds to have the best stuff in it. like surgar, vitamin c, adniron and that type of stuff! so.........lets see.........., yeast, to make it rise, vinegar for acid , some iron*, and chalk for calcium. she picked up the bowl stirred it up and poured it into a tin. opened the oven and placed it in gentkly. and leave the heat to do the rest. she smiled. but againg, another five minutes later , there ws smoke comming from the oven. "I DONT UNDERSTAND! I PUT ALL THE PERFECT INGEDIANTS IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" providence yelled over the fire alarm it was only ten minutes till the party, and they still had no cake. everyone eventually began to indistinctively argue. untill kayna yelled over all of them to be quiet. she had made a cake. itlook perfect. the icing was perfectly smoothed over carefully and beautifully. oy take the cake from her and fet it on the table " thanks kay, NPW CLEAN THIS MESS UP NOW BEFORE I TEAR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU TO PIECES> ther was fire in your eyes. immediately everone began to skamper around to clean up the mess. all was spotless, and now it was party time. marcel was the DJ, and everone startedrolling in through the door, they were all wearing the same thing. the casual steven type outfit . steven came into the house and saw everything . everyone shouted "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" at the top of their lungs. he was so flattered. you ran up to hims and huged him tight. "happy birthday baby!" you smiled. " you threw this party?" you nodded. "with the help of some friends . you point to the crowd behind you. the gang picked up microphones. you already had one and you stepped back into the crowd . and all of you sand

" it might as well be your birthday

so why dont we have a party?

steven man, we love you

and hope you have the best day ever! "

(in the key of the song from the episode "Too many birthdays)

the crowd cheered as steven thanked you all. laterit was time to cut the cake. he cut into the first piece and hesitated. " uhh......guys? is this just icing?" ypu turn around to see jus an icing cake. then oyu glance at kayna , who was smiling . she nodded. "I LOVE ICING!" he said excitedly. you sighed. then smiled.

happy birthday shtoo ball :3

(wanna know the characters personalities? let me know and i will let you know how the should be pictured as thx! love you all !


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