When Connie gets jealous

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You were sitting on the beach when  You spotted steven with Connie arguing . you got up leaving your flip flops behind, and walked towards steven  . he was not happy "hey Steven, whats wrong?"  He sighed " I think Connie , is mad at me because I hang out with you more than her....." He looked of the coast. There was a small awkward silence. "Well" you say breaking the silence. "Sounds to me shes just a wee bit jealous". Steven turned around  "her? Jealous? Of.....me? For what , she wasnt into me, before I met you. ". You put your hands on your hips "Steven , really ? What about that time you were telling a story about how you got you healing saliva, she gently leaned in to kiss you but never had the chance , thats what we call an indirect kiss. ". Steven thought for a moment , then smacked his forehead. "Maybe she is jealous."  Connie stormed over and barged into your conversation "what are you guys talking about?" She asked .  you looked away. You didn't dare to look connie in her jealous , steven stealing eyes.  Steven spoke up "o-oh we were just talking about.......... About..............." "How nice the weather is today " you looked at steven and winked. Connie rolled her eyes. "Mm'hmm " at that moment Connie was testing you. ( Grab  your camera phones cuz this is going on WORLD STAR!!!!!!!! ,😂😂😂 JK) a small growl escaped your mouth. Steven noticed and immediately hugged you.   "(Y/n)  calm down , don't let her get to you"  you nodded and got up.  Walked past Connie to get your flip flops, but on the way back, Connie tripped you , when you fell face first in the sand, steven looked hurt. "Connie! What's wrong with you????" You stood up with your anger  boiling over. You slowly walked over to her and punched her in her nose. As blood leaked you walked away, trying to process what she just did. She walked back over and apologized.  Connie stood up with tears in her eyes "whatever "  she ran in the other.  Direction. Steven ran after her . "Connie wait!"  "Leave  me alone!" She yelled at steven.  "I don't wanna talk to you or that (y/n). " she sped down the board walk.  Steven couldn't catch up.  "I .......just wanted.....to say.......I'm sorry....."  You walked over and stood next to steven , " yeah, she's totally jelly." You say in unison. 

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