“What’s going on Nialler.” I greeted as I whipped my coat off and shoes off by the door and hung it on the racks. He’s sat on the couch. He looked over at me and then turn the TV off. No, this is going to be a serious talk, whatever it’s about.

“Can you please sit down Ash. We have to talk.” Crap.

I slowly sat down and looked up at him ,questioningly.

“What is going on?” I questioned. “What? Why are we talking? is it something  I did? Did I do something? What happened?” I question. Man, today I am full of questions.

He’s hesitated before he started. “Have you ever done something that you weren’t really sure about? I I have been getting these text ,too. I do not know if you have seen them ,but I it must be done.” He said looking at the couch cushion. 

That last part of his sentence didn’t make sense. What is he talking about? That he is really confusing me right now.

“I love you I really do. But I I don’t know. These... It’s getting really hard. You were getting these weird text, I’m getting these weird text. I’m getting threatened They are threatening you, my family, your family, everyone. Now, I am not breaking up with you. I would never do that. But this person, whoever it is, wants me to. I really don’t want to. Babe, all I’m trying to say is we need to be careful. I have no clue who this creeper is. And it may sound silly, but we need to stay low. This isn’t good.” he concluded. Thank the lord! 

I let out a brief breath of relief. Thank the Lord he’s not breaking up with me. But I know who it is I don’t know why we can’t call the police. It would make a lot more much more sense if we did. 

~ four hours later~

“Niall, what do you want for dinner?”

“Nothing. Well maybe we can go out for dinner.”

“Well let’s go out to eat. I knew you would want food. You would never turn it down!”

I went to our bedroom to go start getting ready for dinner. Niall said that he would be taking me out soon ,wherever we are going. He said to dress fancy ,yet casual so I’m guessing semi formal. I curled my hair and did my mascara and eyeshadow, smoky eye. I climbed into my red dress that went down to my knees, then went to our closet and picked out a pair of black pumps. I looked at my reflection, please of what I saw. I then descended the stairs and saw Niall waiting for me by the door ,smiling as always. 

“You look beautiful tonight.” Niall said to me.

“Thanks, babe. And grow I smiled as he helps me into his Range Rover and we pulled off. 

“Where you taking me?”

“That’s for me to know, and for you to find out.” He smirked at me and then laughed. He turned his head back towards the road and kept on driving. It was very silent ,so I turned on the radio. It was slow down Selena Gomez was on. You, nothing against her, but I think she personally turned Justin into something he shouldn’t be. I made a face at the radio and switched it to a new station. I changed the song that was on. I did not know what it was called, so I shazamed it. It’s a neat app. It’s where if you don’t know a song, you can tag it and it will find you the lyrics the artist and the cover of the album, etc... It was called ‘Let Her Go’ by Passenger. I really liked this song. I turned it up louder and and started to bob my head to the music. Niall joined in, too. He must have known the song because he was singing loudly along with the lyrics. His heavenly voice piercing my ears as he sang beautifully. 

He turned on the radio and pulled into the driveway of the restaurant. Go figure, it was Nando’s. I giggled at his choppiness and hopped out of the car along with him. He met me at the friend the car and reached out for my hand. He wrapped his large hand around mine and interlocked our fingers. He smiled and guided us to the really dark restaurant. He walked me inside and set me down at a table for two. There is many ,many candles surrounding us as his guitar was sitting by the kitchen. He sat across from me and smiled we made small talk until our waiter came and   our orders.

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