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Oscura Forest 


Surprise, shock, happiness, anger, every single emotion flowed every discovered flowed through my body. It shook, then collapsed on my knees since I lost complete power over everything attached to me.

Within milliseconds, I felt fingers catching my arms; steadying me a bit. 

My eyes traveled upwards slowly registering a face.

The same face I came to love carcassing, kissing, hugging.

The face that I came to love in general. 

The same face that disappeared a year ago, when I first discovered I might never see it again.

"Hinata," his mouth murmured, his eyes leaking more and more tears.

Then roughly, I pushed against his chest throwing him off balance as he fell back bringing us both down. My entire head was hugged tightly, and his chin resting against my hair.

"I'm so sorry I was gone for so long," he continued. "There were days I rather have been dead when I knew I couldn't see you again."

I closed my eyes, shutting my mouth; just listening and hearing him talk. Simply not wanting to wake up from this damned dream. 

This is a dream, right?

I reached up, grabbing a handful of his shirt pulling gently. 

No freaken hell -

I pulled backwards as fast as I could to make sure that what I felt, I could see as well. 

My mouth gaped, my entire body nearly collapsed once again.

My hand slowly made it ways towards his whiskers.

When it finally touched, I gasped.

He's real.

H-he's not a dream.

T-that means he's a-

"Oui Hina," the man suddenly chuckled, lightheartedly. "I know you must be completely lost here but is it really necessary to be jabbing my cheek with your finger?"

He suddenly took my entire hand pulling it towards his lips and gently kissing them as if they'll break if he was rough to it.


He reached up and pushed my body against his once more, my face landing in the same exact location it was only a few seconds ago. 

"I'm home," he sighed heavily, his hands rubbing my back.

I can't believe this.

I came to this spring to let him go.

Yet right when I was about to, he holds me back.

I guess it just means I can never let him go.

My arms encircled his entire body as tightly as I could. 

"W-welcome home," I smiled so widely that I could taste the saltiness of the thousands of tears streaming down my cheeks and staining his amazing shirt. 



Oscura Medical Camp

"Ow!" Naruto clicked his tongue. "Ow! Hina, a little more gentle please!"

I scoffed, holding the cotton ball drenched with hydrogen peroxide inches above the cut he stupidly got from walking through the damn forest. Naruto looked at me with his blue eyes, probably wondering if I'll continue to jab him with the cotton ball of pain, as he called it himself.

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