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On route to Hakjon


Naruto was mad at me. That much I know right when I had to sit in the same car with him once again as we headed towards Hakjon for the daily supply pickup.

Only this time my entire team was with me. Well, not in the same car. They're the car in front of us driven by Sai. I just thought it was time for them to explore a bit. The only exploring experience they had was when Kazuki and Minako wandered off a few hundred feet then came running back chased by some giant boa that Shikamaru and Sasuke had to chase off.

They haven't left since. 

Okay that aside, Naruto was angry with me because as his doctor I asked him, no more of demanded him as his doctor to take a few days off. When he refused I had to radio the commander who yelled at him to stop being so stupid and follow my instructions. The captain then locked himself up in his office to do some future reports. I was afraid for his daily check up so I sent Hanako-senpai for that and every time she returned she gave me the same answer: he only told her where he was hurt and nothing more.

Bright early this morning, Naruto decided to wake the entire base to get an early start on whatever today was. 

So here we were; silently driving towards Hakjon without saying anything but something feels...off.

It's what I wanted ever since I arrived in Eskon and figured out who the captain was; to completely have nothing to do with him. Live our lives without having to interact with one another unless absolutely necessary. Ever since then our lives keep getting intertwined whether it be arguing or laughing it's like it can't be avoided.

But now... I don't understand it's what I wanted.

Yet how come it feel so wrong that he isn't even looking at me.

Naruto suddenly pulled his radio out and started, "Captain Kyuubi calling Scroll Beast and Paper Fan."

My eyes flicked to him then out the window. It's not like I can guess how he's feeling anyway; his stupid sunglasses are on.

"Sir," Sasuke came through first then Sai.

"Drive on to Hakjon," he ordered. "Leader Hyuga and I will meet you there a little later, over."

What did he just say...?

The click of a radio came through and the answer...the answer is literally going to make me kill my first human being.

Correction: human beings...

"Where do you think you're taking Senpai, huh?!" Naruto looked at the radio and if I could see his blue eyes; I'd make the safe bet that it's reflection utter confusion.

"Don't you dare think you can just run off with Hinata!" Hisao-senpai cut in after Kazuki. "You're damn car better be following us all the way into town!"

"Come on!" Kazuki shouted again. "We can take you on! I don't care if you're some captain of the Special Forces; I can take you on myself!!!"

"Will you two just shut up!!!!" 

There was a thud.

A click.


Then Sai came on, "I apologize Captain, my walkie was stolen."

"Just be a little more careful around them, over," Naruto said, dropping the walkie in his lap.

"Understood, sir," and that was it.

Not long after that, Sai's car and Sasuke's, which was leading; pulled further ahead.

"Those guys," Naruto started. "They're interesting. Did you meet them when you started working at the hospital?"

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