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Japanese Military Support Base


With each step I took I made sure I was as ninja quiet as I could. The guilt that raked through my body was very strong and I have no authority to see him. But I need to apologize to him myself and because I put him in the situation he's in now, I need to do this in person.

I begged Sasuke to turn the other way so I could meet with the captain. Or no longer captain... what he did for me is definitely going to affect his job negatively.

If the son of the Swedish Prime Minister won't wake up... it's just not going to be pretty.

I knocked once on the backseat of the Jeep. Almost immediately, the window rolled down to present a smiling Naruto.

"Hey you," the captain said. "Nice night, isn't it?"

"Why did you do it?" I went straight to the point. Sasuke said I had limited time with this lovely idiot and I plan on using every millisecond on him.

Naruto sat back with a sigh in the backseat of the car. There wasn't really any place to lock him up for his damned actions so Shikamaru came up with the super idea of locking him in the backseat in handcuffs and without any keys. Even though it's two AM in Eskon, the summer heat is terrifying.

"Naruto-kun," I raised an eyebrow.

"Because that bastard one: pointed a gun at you and two: didn't think you were capable of removing a bullet from a dude," Naruto suddenly scoffed speaking under his breath. "It was only a damn bullet. No need to make it such a big deal."

I tapped his head twice, "Hey. The 'dude' was the Swedish Prime Minister's son. Of course they have to be a lot more careful with him. I don't take any offence to anything, really. The guard was just doing his job."

"But what he said was not his job," Naruto grumbled. "And I didn't punch him."

"Okay," I narrowed my eyes. "Stole his gun and smacked the end of it across his face."

Naruto smirked, "I smacked him, that's better."

The Medicure - A few hours earlier


Ever since I got to Eskon I knew someday I will be dealing with a gun.

But never have I ever guessed I'd be on the end of one directly pointed at my forehead, too.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Naruto completely pose his cool captain demenor. A demon-like looked passed over his face at the entire interaction. I shook my head once, telling him to stay in place. He doesn't need to get into any trouble right now.

"Sir," I said as calmly as I could. "The Prime Minister's son needs to be tended to right away."

The frantic beeping on the IV monitor was almost deafening as I continued, "He will not survive for long if we keep this up."

The guard had the head of a pineapple, "Nobody can touch him until his doctor gets here. One of my men has already called him and he is on his way."

I closed my eyes, annoyed, "If we don't take care of him now then there won't be a patient to look at when that doctor is here."

The guard's bold head was slowly turning pink with his own anger, the grip on his gun tightened, "No one except his doctor can touch him!"

"Then he will die otherwise!" I said. "How much more clearer can I get?!"

I was getting angry myself and I needed to get this point through his damned head, "Either he gets the surgery now or he loses his life."

The guard had a headset attached around his head probably asking for some instructions. It doesn't seem like he's getting the answer he wanted.

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