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Special Patient's Room


My head nodded and jerked me awake suddenly. What the hell is going on?

I'm sitting...okay but what else?

Oh that's right, I'm sitting in the son's room waiting for him to wake up and for that doctor that was supposed to be here but because the patient was taken under our care, he decided to take his time.

Hanako-senpai was sitting beside the patient, watching him intently when I scanned the room once. Sakura, who was also supposed to be here, well... wasn't.

"Hey," I said gently.

Hanako-senpai blinked once, "Hey sorry. Sakura went out to get us some food."

"How long was I out?"

"A good hour," she looked at her watch. "It's three thirty now."

"Then it's your turn to get some rest," I replied.

She shook her head, "I'll keep watch. You should sleep some more."

"You sure?" I asked. "Sleeping is essential for some energy, Senpai."

"I have plenty," she sighed. "You lost all of it taking care of him. I still feel really bad for letting you take care of everything so this is the least I can do."

I chuckled, "You owe me nothing."

"But upon splitting the blame," Hanako-senpai looked at me, "I will take some of it as well. I was there and therefore, I am also responsible."

"Hanako-senpai -"

A soft groan made us both jump to our feet. I thought it was some kind of ghost if I were to be honest but Hanako-senpai was already looking at the patient. I rushed over to her side and scanned the IV monitor right away. His heart rate and his blood pressure are all normal, everything is normal.

"Sir," Hanako-senpai called. "Sir, are you awake?"

Opening his eyes even looked a little hard for him but he was able to look at me then at Senpai. They were half opened but he managed a single nod, breathing lightly to the nasal cannula covering his face.

"Then that's good," Senpai smiled at the agent.

I could see the small smile he attempted under the mask.

The relief that filled me was beyond unexplainable. The first few hours were the first crucial and now that he's awake, well and even nodding; that means:

The surgery was a success.

Sakura returned moments later with two trays of food. When she saw the smile that was on the older doctor's face and mines as well, she nearly threw the trays in joy. Instead, she set them down on the table and ran out to get the guard; screaming at the top of her lungs almost waking the entire medicure.

I could only sit back down and laugh in utter disbelief. The surgery was a simple procedure but the pressure that went along with the entire situation made the entire operation the most stressful operation I have ever done.

An old man with a giant briefcase came in a few minutes later with heavy glasses and a grim expression. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he must've been the doctor in charge of taking care of this agent. Hanako-senpai backed up to give him space to examine the patient. With a glare, he set down his briefcase and set to work.

He said a few things in his native tongue to the agent. The agent only nodded once but because of the mask, he couldn't say anything. I find it funny. We've spent hours together and I have yet to hear what this man's voice sounds like.

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