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Naruto's Room later that Night


"I'm sorry, I didn't get the news until about an hour after we got back from Hakjon," I apologized.

Hinata wouldn't stop pacing. Her freedom is literally on the line and I'm not saying I don't trust her; it's one wrong move she's done for in this life. The very important person is a top agent from the Swedish Government and in a recent assignment he was shot several times. It's a miracle he's still breathing and living until he comes here tomorrow at noon sharp.

"I'm not angry at you or anything," Hinata said. "This is how I work out my stress."

I rested my elbows on my knees, "Pacing isn't going to make it go away."

"I don't think I can do it," Hinata finally sat on my bed beside me, tucking one leg under her. "It's not only me that I'm bringing down if something bad were to happen during the diagnosis."

"You're afraid your entire team will be taken down, too," I answered for her.

The doctor nodded, "I don't want that to happen to them."

Then her eyes flickered to me, "Or to you."

"I don't go down easy," I chuckled, then leaned in and gently bumped her forehead with mines with a grin on my face, "Neither will you. You've gotten tougher, Hinata. Nothing will happen, alright? Just do what you do."

Hinata also smiled at me and leaned back in, "As long as you'll be right there for me."

"I'll be right behind you," I kissed the tip of her nose.

She suddenly pulled back and stood up, "No, I'm still mad at you."

"What? Why? What did I do?"

"You gave me a hickey, Naruto-kun," she pointed to the spot where I bit her during breakfast. "I c-can't believe you did that in the middle of the dining hall, too! Mina saw it."

I smirked, "Just marking what's mines."

"Okay but why?"

"Did you not hear my men wanting to marry you?" I walked up until I'm right in front of her. She didn't move or anything, just stared me down. "I have to let them know that you are mines and mines alone."

Hinata scoffed, "Then why put it in a place where nobody can see?"

"What? You want it somewhere where others can see it?" I jerked her until her entire front body was against mines, leaning down I gently kissed her neck, "Like here."

"N-Naruto-kun, stop it," Hinata gripped my shoulders tightly. "C-come on, I need to g-go."

I continued to lay butterfly kisses up her neck, my arms holding her impossibly close to me. I could feel her going crazy until my hands and that made me smirk.

"H-hey," my girlfriend barely managed to say when I kissed her jaw moving to her cheek. I could feel her grab fistfuls of my dark shirt.

She can't lie to me. She likes this too much.

"Do you really want me to stop though?" I pulled back a little bit.

Hinata was blushing lightly but she was hypnotized with what my lips were able to do to her.

"Just say the word and this can stop," gently I placed my forehead against hers.

"That's the thing," Hinata leaned up and kissed me gently once before whispering against my lips. "I don't want this to stop."

But stupid knocking made us stop.

Hinata sprang back a good feet while I mentally cursed the person interrupting my alone time with my girlfriend.

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