28: Say My Name

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Luke's POV

"Luke, stop it." she said, and pulled me back, away from Hunter. 

"Let me drop you to your place, okay?"

She nodded. Hunter growled, as he straightened his face, and walked away. 

"Wait!" Natalie ran after him, and pulled her towards him. "You know what? You deserve this." And she smacked him right on the face. The alcohol was having a toll on her. I had my experiences. She would regret it later, I knew it.

"I trusted you so much Hunter, and whom did you trust more?" she yelled, stumbling away. I grabbed her waist, and straightened her up. She shoved me away, as she shivered under my touch. "And you," she pointed at me, "I hate you."

Her bluntly said words hurt me. I could not understand the reason of this sudden transition of her mood.

"Hunter," she continued, "I...I thought you trusted me. And instead you trusted Melissa more. With facts, with secrets.. with your heart."

"No, Nate. I am just seeing her, it is not a heart thing." He gasped. "Hell, I don't even know what I am doing. Trying to make you jealous?" He pressed his lips together and rolled his eyes. "I am sorry too I cannot do this anymore. It is exhausting, hard to tolerate and moreover, I cannot see you in a mess. With him."

His eyes narrowed as they met mine. He was so flawless at lying.

He leaned in too close to her. Natalie pushed him away,  surprising him. Then she crushed into him. Why did it hurt me so much? I knew it was always him, all the time.

"I think my job is done then." I said. Hunter looked at me, puzzled.

"All she wanted was to make you jealous and to take sweet revenge from you. But I see that the issue is resolved."

"It is." He quietly nodded. As Natalie drifted to sleep in his arms, he carried her away to his car, and drove her home.

I turned away from them to see Serena standing there with James. She looked in a state of complete rage.

"And you let him get her just like that? How could you?"

I chose not to reply. I went in for a drink.

She followed me. She kept yelling at me. I lit my cigarette, and smashed one of the glass bottles to shut her up. Her boyfriend was kind of scared of me, which I liked, and he knew that my mood was off. He took her away, despite her protests. Even the bartender decided to keep quiet. I liked it that way.

I inhaled the smoke, and felt the instant effect it had on me. Along with the smoky and dry feeling in my mouth, I gulped in the warm vodka. What had I thought of myself and them? That they would change? Never. I had been right all this time. I was never like them, and could not be like them. Natalie deserves what is coming upon her now. I smirked. Being the devil felt great. Again.

Jane's POV

"Alec, where are we?" 

He removed the blindfolds off my eyes, and we reached a wide lawn, with a table and two chairs set up for us. It was beautiful, with candle light and roses, and the idea of blindfolds and now this felt both stupid and romantic at the same time. I felt a warm, gushy feeling pitting under my stomach. 

I let him lead me to the table, where hot, steaming dinner awaited us. 

"Feast yourself." He laughed, looking at my mouth drooling at the beef broth and the curry. "But first, try the cognac. I specially ordered it from France, for you."

I blushed. How stupid could he be? I smiled, and sat on the chair, which he chivalrously offered to me.

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