8: Popularity boost

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Natalie's POV

It was morning time and I was ready for school. I was walking- my mom didn't allow me to take her car nowadays. It had a tire puncture and needed some mending. As a result it was in the garage, safely parked.

I was on the way when a red Ferrari blocked my way. Of course, it had to be Alec.

"Good morning, Sweety."

"Since when are you allowed to call me Sweety?" I crossed my arms.

"Just sayin' " He shrugged and opened the gate beside him.

"Wanna drop in?" He asked. I walked in, accepting his offer. I was liking this extra attention. Maybe we could actually be a thing. It would be fun to make the other girls jealous. Especially Melissa and Scarlett- I would love to see their scorched expressions. Their lives will be ruined seeing me with a rich, classy and hot guy. And that would satisfy me. I'm not that good at heart, am I?

"So what're you up to?" He asked.


He smirked in response.

"Are you trying to impress me?" I asked directly.
I could see his eyes turn wide.

"You aren't experienced, are you?" He asked.
I shook my head.

"I see that. You weren't supposed to ask me that." He said.

"You still didn't answer my question."

He sighed. "As a matter of fact, yes."

I blushed.

"I got you, didn't I?" He laughed.

"Not just yet, you egoist." I chuckled.

We soon reached school and Alec parked the car in the parking lot. I could notice people staring us. Alec further increased their curiosity by placing his arm on my shoulder. Though I didn't really feel comfortable, I tried to appear clam and relaxed in his arms. Melissa and Scarlett narrowed their eyes and turned their faces away abruptly.

"What's wrong with those girls?" Alec pointed to them.

"Nothing." I was feeling giddy.

This was like a walk to heaven for me. I was getting so much attention- the kind of attention I had never got before until now. And I kind of liked it.

Hunter eyed us. He said nothing. He kept looking at us. His face was blank- I couldn't understand what he felt. Maybe he didn't care. I suddenly get the urge to push Alec away. Luckily we were joined by Serena and Jane. That gave me the opportunity to keep some distance from Alec.

Alec soon bid me goodbye and walked towards his cabin beside the Principal's. I looked at him march away in awe.

"What the hell was that?" Serena eyed me.

"You like Alec, don't you?" Jane asked.

I didn't reply. We were joined in by James.

"What do I hear? The new guy, Alec and our Nat-" he stopped.

"Let's not fall floor the rumours." I suggested.

"Should we ignore our bloody eyes as well?" Serena asked.

"Maybe?" I replied, unsure of what else to say.

"If you like him, that's great." Jane said.

What? I didn't expect that response from Jane. Even Serena was shocked.

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