27: Wayne's Birthday Bash (Updated)

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I was getting ready, wearing my electric blue full sleeves dress that touched my knees with a black neckband, and black boots. Then reluctantly I applied some make up, though I decided to keep it light and natural.

The doorbell rang and before I could go down, Mom received it. Mom is back home now, and has begun to talk to Nathaniel again. Maybe they could work out really well together.

"Serena and Jane are here, Nate!"

I climbed down the stairs.

"I have my SAT exams coming up." I sighed.

"A few hours of fun won't do you any harm, Natalie. Honey you've been studying hard enough. Now go and have fun." She encouraged me. "Look even Jane is attending the party."

The two gasped. "You look awesome, Nate." They cried out in synchrony.

Jane looked attractive, her yellow summer top and red skirt suiting her petite frame, along with her red glass shoes. Serena wore a black glittery dress that hugged her body and showed off her model figure. She had streaked her hair red and blue and looked very stylish. Both of them had applied heavy makeup: eyelashes, mascara, with hot red puckered lips and pink cheeks.

I on the other hand had put on grey eye shadow and eyeliner. A light red lipstick was all I had applied on my lips, and I looked down at myself, pretty nervous.

"You too." I smiled. "Let us go now or we will be late."

Bidding my mother a sweet goodbye, we hired a taxi and set off to the party.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Jane suddenly yelled at the taxi driver, who halted the vehicle in haste.

"What's wrong? Did you forget your phone or something?"

She got out of the taxi. I followed her, and so did Serena. "Luke said he would be here."

"No way he's coming with us." I scowled and crossed my arms.

"I almost forgot." Serena muttered. "Shit."

I saw someone approaching us. He was fair and had a tall frame; his brown hair wavy and neatly done. He looked attractive in his black tuxedo and a Tag Heuer watch. His green eyes made me realise who he was.

"Luke?" I whispered.

Serena and Jane gave each other a glance and gasped.

"Shit you look like a billionaire." Serena chuckled. "Chelsey is gonna go nuts."

"Chelsey? The junior heartthrob?" Jane enquired. Serena and I nodded.

"Thanks." He pressed his lips. "Now shall we?"

Luke is kind of our friend now. Except me. he seems to be pretty warm with everyone, except that he talks less. Sometimes its hard to believe that this was the same Luke who used to be harsh to me. He did not talk to me though. He knew that I was still pretty hurt and needed some time to heal.

My mother did not like Luke. Nor did she like it when Serena and Jane made me hang out with Luke. She cares for me a lot, and with the horrible things he has done to me in the past, the way his dad and he had been threatening our family for the past innumerable years, it was only normal to find it hard to trust them.

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