19: Petit a petit, l'oiseau fait son nid

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I walked towards the auditorium, wondering why He made everything so difficult for me. Luke was in my school. I could have ignored him; but now, we're in the same anger management workshop as well. Great.

I felt upset suddenly. The cheerful and bubbly Natalie of the morning passed away; the freshness and happiness drained, and all that was left now was a depressed and worried Natalie. Creases of tension covered my face, and I felt drops of sweat trickle down. I dabbed the sweat on Hunter's shirt, but it didn't help. Everything felt heavy.

I was thinking about mom while walking. How was she in the hospital? I was so selfish in the morning- how could I have felt happy when my mom was in the hospital? I had to talk to Doctor Peter Taylor, right after school. Because I had left my phone in my home, of course. Or maybe I could borrow Hunter's phone. He'd give it to me, won't he?

I reached the auditorium. Jane made me furious sometimes. Why does she always have to give my nan in these silly things without even my consent?

I looked around and walked into the auditorium. The air conditioner was on, and I instantly felt the coolness settle in. It wasn't comfortable; I shivered.

I was received by almost thirty pair of eyes staring in my direction.

Excluding a pair of golden-rimmed glasses.

The woman narrowed her eyes, and pursed her lips literally smeared with crimson red lipstick.

"And you are?" She crowed.

"Natalie." I answered weakly.

She checked my name from the list. "Summers?"

I nodded reluctantly. She ticked my name using a red ball pen on the sheet, and looked at me. Then once again narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips she said, "You may join us."

I kept looking blankly. She didn't even care to enlighten me with what was going on.

She clapped her hands and continued, "So, are you all in pairs?"

"Yes Miss Thomson!" Everyone said in synchrony.

I spotted Jane and Serena glaring at me. I could see they were paired. I spotted Scarlett and Melissa paired together too. They threw me their most mischievous smile. I widened my eyes to give them a threatening look.

"Didn't you find a partner, Miss Summers?" Ms Thomson rolled her tongue.

I shook my head proudly, hoping that she would send me back to class and I wouldn't have to attend this stupid workshop after all. I couldn't even stand the look Miss Thomson gave me.

"Anyone else without a partner?" She curled her lips into a weird smile and I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Me." Someone said from across the auditorium. We all turned to see Luke.

Was he doing this on purpose?

Miss Thomson blinked her eyes, and walked closer to Luke.

"And you are?" She croaked.

"Luke Faraday."

"Like Michael Faraday." She whispered, inching closer.

"Not really, Miss Thomson." Luke replied, pushing his back further from Miss Thomson's face, who was now leaning on him.

"You," she said, pointing at him and holding him by his jacket, "can call me Linda."

He straightened himself up as soon as Miss Linda Thomson turned to look at me. "Come on, here, what are you staring at?"

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