26: Sounds Like Gibberish

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I couldn't really sleep. I soon woke up, startled by the sound of the alarm bell only to realize that it was time for me to get ready for school. Hunter was already up, and was stuffing his mouth with some dry corn flakes.

"No milk?" I asked.

"I'm lazy. It is kept on the kitchen counter though, if you want." He said and walked away. He did not even look at me. I wondered what the matter was.

I freshened up and geared up my spirits for school, trying to forget what had happened just a few hours ago. I could not let Hunter know that Luke had broke in; no, it would make him furious. It would upset him, which I did not want. 

I ignored all my thoughts and got ready for school. I rushed out as Hunter waited in his car, agitated. 

What if he already knew? 

No, he couldn't, could he? 

I sat beside him and headed for school. The sunny and gay weather contrasted my mood, unlike those cliche stories in which it rains or snows when the protagonist is really upset or worried about something. The school premises were brightly lit up with everyone chatting, leaning on their lockers, while some girls put on their lip glosses. I wore Hunter's grey trousers, and red sweatshirt. Honestly, I don't expect that Serena would recognise me in that getup. But, best friends can always spot you, be it anywhere. 

"Nate!" She hugged me, suffocating me. Yet I needed that warmth somewhere; I had missed it. Even if it wasn't for a very long time. "What's wrong with you?" 

Jane agreed with her. I didn't notice when she had joined us.

"Since when did you begin taking her side, eh?" I laughed. They giggled back. My smile tightened as I saw Luke rounding at the corner of the corridor. I felt nervous. I hope he won't give away anything. Especially here, at school. 

He walked past me, completely ignoring me. I was glad he didn't make the situation awkward for me. Luckily my friends didn't notice him. Hunter interrupted us. 

"I'm going to the classroom." He hovered over me protectively. I nodded in response. 

"I see you guys are growing closer." Serena whispered.

"Not so good for Melissa." Jane pointed and I saw her smirk at me rudely and sway through the corridor, Scarlett walking behind her sluggishly. 

"And not good for.." Jane fell silent.

"Not good for Alec as well, right?" I shrugged. 

"It's okay." Serena calmed my nerves down. "Not everyone deserves my precious girl's company."

"Alec wasn't even a decent guy. He didn't care for you when--" Jane was cut by the sound of leather shoes echoing down the corridor. 

We turned to see Alec, wearing a black tuxedo, all buttoned up. 

"Ugh, he makes me feel choked." Serena whispered. Jane looked nervous.

"Hey pretty girls. I guess I heard my name?" He began.

"Then I guess you have pretty big, sharp ears." I snapped. Jane laughed at my reply. 

"Eavesdropping is not a good habit." Serena cooed and then gave the two of us a cue to leave. 

The three of us entered our classroom, and attended our English class peacefully. Not much happened in the class, except Melissa and Scarlett bombing all of their rude and irritated faces on me. I tried to ignore them. I was used to getting them.

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