18: High school guck

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"What do you mean?" I asked.

He frowned. "Um, nothing." He bit his lip, and looked at his watch. "We're late by fifteen minutes. And it's all your fault."

"My fault? Seriously?" I argued.

He threw me an angry glance and then parked the car in the lot. The place was empty, as everyone was inside the class already. The classes had begun.

Hunter and I walked side by side together to our Chemistry class. Now, let me inform you about my love for chemistry. It's nil.

I walked in reluctantly, wondering whether bunking was a really bad idea or not. It seemed really pleasant to me at the moment though.

"You're late Miss Summers and Mister Winters." Mr Olsen loudly declared. He put a special emphasis on the Miss since my clothing wasn't appropriate; I, at least, was able to figure out that from his facial expressions.

"We know." We replied together and then gave each other a glance, which was short-lived.

"It's okay, anyways, today I am going to display some--"

We took our seats, and soon I was biting the end of the pencil, half day-dreaming of Hunter's bathroom, which I still hadn't got over completely.

The period soon got over. Jane and Serena turned to look at me.

They eyed me from top to toe.

"What?" I cried. "See I know I don't look good, but I don't reall-"

"Whoa. Wait. Who told you you don't look good?" Serena replied.

"Good? You look great!" Jane chirped and hugged me. "But what's the matter? Why are you suddenly all friends with Hunter?"

"My mom." I hit my lip, and solemnly told them all that had happened yesterday. I decided to keep from them the fact that I was Hunter's childhood friend and that Nathaniel Winters loved my mother. I just told them about Dan and Luke and how they had turned my house upside down yesterday. And of course how Hunter and his dad helped us.

"That's not good. You should have called the police." Jane suggested.

"I couldn't. You know I couldn't. Mom wouldn't let me." I replied.

"Your mom is emotional. At least you should be the wise one, the practical one, Nate. You know you could have stopped this." Jane said.

"Shut up, Jane. Stop upsetting Nate. She couldn't have stopped it. You know that. Don't upset her any further. But you should do something about it." Serena added.

"Like what?" I asked. "Nothing helps. We maintain our full maximum distance from them and yet they treat us this way. They're dangerous indeed."

Hunter approached us. "Nate, I have my physics class. I need to go. See you."

He ignored my friends and then walked away smoothly.

Serena winked at me. "Since when does mister rude call you Nate, huh?"

"Since yesterday." I replied back, reading the hint of the funny taunt in her tone.

We were interrupted by the arrival of James.

"Hey, girls. What's up?" He said, not even looking at us. Instead he clasped Serena's waist and began kissing her fervently in public.

Everyone cooed. Serena and James really seemed to enjoy the attention. Jane rolled her eyes and turned her gaze away in disgust.

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