21: Blame Game

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Luke's POV

I was in the hospital. I hated hospitals.

Ever since my mother had passed away, hospitals have been the most hated place by me. Their appearance sucks, their white tiles and cleanliness stinks- sometimes I think that maybe I took to smoking and drinking because I hated cleanliness. Because that was what my mother loved.

Until she married that son of a b--, of course. Then she was so different that I wasn't able to recognise her. The distance between us increased, and I accepted my solitariness, confusing it for lack of time. We were miles apart when she died of brain haemorrhage so I didn't feel much pain.

Since then I hate hospitals. I don't like hospitals.

And now, I was here. Somewhere deep inside, I know it's because of me. It is because of me that Natalie is ill, and very severe, to be precise.

I was waiting in the corridor outside the room where she had been admitted to. An old doctor came rushing, his stethoscope hanging down his neck. He looked like he was in a hurry, but why? Then I heard him.

"Her mother is in the hospital. Now her. Was she attached?" He asked the nurse accompanying him.

"No, no." She replied like a pro, "She is here because her temperature is very low. We checked her blood pressure and-"

"It was low." He finished the sentence for her before entering her cabin.

Just before the second he entered in, I saw the name printed on the right side of his breast pocket, and saw that his name was Doctor Peter Taylor.

The man from the school, Kayden, came rushing to the scene. I eyed him with anger; he simply had no knowledge of medical science and simply worked for money, uninterested in actually helping people. He, just like that woman, Linda Thomson, cared about his remuneration. Unlike them, this Peter Taylor really seemed to love his profession.

After sometime, the doctor, Peter, came walking out, smiling. I realised that Natalie was okay now; the smile on his face was one of satisfaction with himself. I recognised that expression- that was the way Dan smiled when he hit Angela. He was satisfied. After hitting his own wife.

Peter walked towards me. Kayden said nothing.

"You seem to know the young girl?" He asked.

I nodded.

"In what way?" He asked. I was dumbfounded. I don't know what to reply. He began to laugh.

I opened my mouth to reply, but he gestured me to keep quiet.

"I know young hearts. Youth is always good. Just enjoy, she's okay now."

"Can I meet her?" I asked.

"You can. But let me inform you one thing," he cleared his throat and continued, "keep her away from stress. The young child is bearing too much."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I saw the cigarette marks all over her arm. She's being mistreated by her.." He cleared his throat again. "I should not let out personal things now, should I? All you should know, son, is that I am almost like a family friend of theirs, and that a lot is going on in their family."

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