17: Carpe diem while getting ready

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I woke up. The white walls and the white ceiling seemed foreign to me.

You're at Hunter's place you idiot! My mind snapped.

Oh! I replied to myself.

Dazed, I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. I was in Hunter Winter's living room! I felt bewildered- though I know it's wrong and I shouldn't feel that way. I mean, he slept here. The idea excited me.

Don't think! My mind snapped again.

I'm not! I lied.

I giggled.

"Good morning, and stop laughing, weirdo." Hunter wished me.

"That wasn't really the greeting I expected after yesterday." I replied.

"If you guile that naughtily again, you'll be getting even weirder comments from me, I can assure you." He smirked.

I felt colour rising to my cheeks.

"Stop blushing. Do you suffer from hormonal changes every morning or is it just today?"

I got up. "What is your problem exactly? Can't you be a bit more friendly? What happened to the Hunter from yesterday night?"

"Huh?" He looked confused.

Had I dreamt everything? No, I was at his place, so I wasn't dreaming. Or.. Did he suffer from short term memory loss? Gosh!

I shook my head to put the stupid thought away from my head.

His dad walked in.

"Good morning, Mr Winters." I greeted him.

He smiled, sipping some tea from his white bone china cup. Everything was too white here; it really made my eyes hurt.

"Don't worry about Hunter. He just had a tough night."

"Tough night?" I asked, not understanding what he meant.

He nodded. "He slept on the sofa. His back is probably aching, and he hasn't even had proper sleep. And when a person doesn't have proper sleep, he or she might bite. Just be loose with him today, all right?"

I nodded back in response.

"Now, do you want some tea?" He asked.

"No sir, um, thanks." I replied.

He walked away, probably to get ready for office.

"Don't you wanna go to school, weirdo?" Hunter yelled.

"Why are you calling me that?" I yelled back.

"Because finally, Natalie, Superman is back."

I laughed. I agreed to that totally.

He cleaned up and then I entered the bathroom. I had to use the same bathroom as Hunter's.

Is it where he...

Stop it!

I squeezed my eyes shut but weird images started propping up inside. I had no idea what imaginations were capable of; now I know though. They aren't harmful, they are lethal.

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