1: Welcome To School Hunter.

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"Mom, I'm getting late for school." I yelled, taking a last bite from her cornflakes.

"You have to finish it." Mrs. Summers, aka my mom said sternly.

"I'm done!" I aka Natalie showed my mom my empty bowl to make her satisfied.

Her mom smiled widely. "Okay, go now."

As Natalie aka I began to leave, her mom stopped her. Ughh, why am I using so many aka-s for myself?

"Drive safely." Mom said.

"I'm seventeen mom, I'll be fine." I said. "Plus, I've been driving for almost a year now."

As I drove to school, I thought of my life. My father had left us when I  was four, and now I totally depended on mom for everything. I hated Dad, for leaving us this way- all alone in the world. But we weren't alone; at least Mom and I had each other. We live in a small town called Spoons, somewhere in this world. You don't need to know where. It doesn't really matter.

Finally I reached my school- Sherwood high. No, don't worry, it's co-ed. I got off her 90s Chevrolet and kept the keys in my pocket. I was wearing a regular blue tee and khaki trousers- yes, I had grown to be boyish.

"Good morning, Nate." Serena wished her. Serena Jackson was my all-time best friend since the age of five.

"Good morning, Serene. How do you do? Wow, you look great."

She indeed did. She wore a black mini dress, which she didn't usually. Her blonde hair was streaked purple and blue, and she almost looked like a barbie version of a mermaid.

"Yeah, I know right? Just wore it to show it to you. I bought it from Gucci the other day."

Did I tell you how rich she was? No? Then let me tell you, she was very rich. And when I say very, I mean it. Her family owns two BMWs and a Mercedes as well. Her Dad works in a sports car company.

"Why do you hang out with such a poor pooch like me? I'm a poor church mouse in front of you." I said.

She kissed my cheek. "No you idiot! You're not. Because you're my best friend. Plus, you're the coolest girl at school. The rest are just so awkward."

"Yeah. The cool nerd. Right." I replied.

"I love my cool nerd. What's wrong in being a nerd? An outspoken nerd?" She laughed and gave me a hug.

Jane Singh came walking towards us. Jane Singh, our half-Indian friend. Don't worry, she's half-Indian, not a half-breed.

"Hi guys." Jane said, correcting her spectacles' location from the end of their nose using her index finger. She often did that.

"Hi." I said. "How are you?"

"Fine. Do you know a week later some SAT and ACT guys are coming to our school. I'm attending the seminar. Gave your names as well. I don't want to die alone."

"Then why did you give your name?" Serena asked.

"Come on Serene, chill." I patted her shoulder.

Serena and Jane didn't really like each other much.

It was due to two reasons-

One. Their personalities were totally polar. I know what people say about opposite poles attracting each other. But this case if different. They are two people of the same gender.

Two. James Newton. Don't comment me about his surname please- I hate physics too, but trust me, he and physics are total opposites. He hates physics. And, proudly yet not-so-proudly he's our Serena's current boyfriend and the school's most wanted guy as well. You know what I mean, captain of the football team and all. He is our one year senior. Jane doesn't really like James. Not that I like him very much too, but at least I don't hate him as much as Jane does. She's very simple- she doesn't even like to think about boyfriend or guy stuff.

Someone secretly came tiptoeing from the back and hugged Serena tightly. She blushed, and Jane turned away in disgust.

"Make all the more faces you want, I won't stop hugging my girl." James taunted Jane. She made a rude face at James and stuck her tongue out at her.

"Hey shut up. Just. Shut. Up." I came to Jane's rescue. I'm her friend too, and that's my responsibility after all.

"I'm shutting up. Just because you said me to." James whispered.

"Chill." Serena laughed. She looked at me and hen at Jane and then bid us goodbye. She held James' hand and walked down the corridor towards the abandoned auditorium, where they could make out.
I and Jane looked at each other, knowing exactly what they were going to do.

Do you want to know more about the 'abandoned' auditorium? Yes you do. So you see, our school is pretty large- it has two auditoriums. The new one is currently in use and the old one is not. So we school people call it the 'abandoned' auditorium, and people in 'teenage love' use it for personal purposes. It's fun to hear rumours that come up often. Serena once told me that she had seen our English teacher, Tyler Kray, smooching our Chemistry teacher, Micheal Olsen. English and Chemistry, what a combination though.

Jane was more my type than Serena now. Serena says I've changed, but I'd rather be 'changed' than smooch around random guys like James. Jane, on the other hand, I met a few years back, when I joined this school. She is the topper, and though I'm not, she always inspires me. Since my Dad left my Mom, I don't believe in romances anymore. I mean, your parents should be your inspiration right? And if my inspiration itself is so demotivating, I mean, huh, I guess I will just say it out loud- I want to do something in life and prove my Dad that I don't care if he didn't love me and left. I don't care about him a bit.

And that's why I need to study. I need good grades. I need a good college. I don't know what I'll do yet, maybe a degree in computer science or something, but I have to do something in life. I want to see my mom happy. I want my mom to be proud of me. I love my mom.

Jane and I went quietly to our class. Even if I didn't like James, Serena was my oldest friend, and will remain so. Nobody will ever take her place. Not even Jane. Because I have a different place for her in my heart. I guess my heart has a lot of space, since the dad's place in my heart is empty.

We were greeted by Mr. Kray, our English teacher about whom I'd told you previously.

"Good morning, girls. Don't you wanna meet the new hunter of the school?"

"Hunter?" Jane asked, looking at me as confusedly as I did at her.

"First sit girls." He said.

We obeyed. We sat down on our desks- the first ones of course. Jane took out her pencil and notebook and chewed its end. She again set her spectacles to the right place. I smiled. She always did that.

Mr Kray clapped his hands clumsily. "So I guess you'll have to introduce yourself again for the late arrivals." As he said the last words he glared at me and Jane.

I turned back to see a cute, hot guy stand up and reach Mr Kray.

"Thanks." He said. Wow, he had an English accent. I liked that.

"I'm Hunter Winters. I left Spoons when I was young for London, but now I guess I'm back." He grinned.
Hunter Winters. Natalie Summers. I shook my head. Summers and winters never come together. It's never gonna work. Plus his attitude and swagger told me that we were not going to like each other very much.

So hi guys! My first chapter ahhhhh! Hope you liked it! Please do continue reading! Please don't stop. Please. And also if you liked it even one teeny weeny bit, do vote, comment and share! Please I aspire to become a writer and wattpad is my only chance. So please do support me in this journey. I love you guys! Bye.

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