7: Winters' Residence

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Hunter's POV

I parked my car in the garage and hung my bag over my shoulder as I stepped into home.

I wasn't welcomed by my mom unlike Natalie. I don't have a mom.

Natalie and that guy, oh right, his name is Alec, looked so relaxed together. I would give anything to feel that good and welcome.

Why was I thinking about Natalie and that Alec? He just looked like a girl-type of guy. Looking at him reminded me of my horrible years in London, where my dad would just bring in random women home. Not that he was serious for anyone, never, but it certainly was a bad thing, wasn't it?

I am very different from my dad. He drinks, sleeps with random women, and is constantly busy on the laptop working. I, on the other hand, am more of the non-girl, non-worker type, though I love to write verses.

My father was currently out in office, working or sleeping with his new assistant probably, and as expected, he had forgotten to lock the door before leaving. Luckily we are new here so no thief or burglars probably know about my dad's careless locking habits yet.

I threw my bag in the sofa and went in to treat myself with some potato chips and Coke. I literally survived on those. And cup noodles.

You have to face the consequences of being an unwanted child. Yeah, right, I was a result of unprotected sex. That was too harsh, wasn't it? But that's the truth- it's harsh. Like my life.

My father tells me that my mother was a whore he'd spent the night with. He doesn't even remember her name. He wonders why she didn't abort me. I mean, he talks so freely about my non-existence in front of me. He discusses the possibilities of my non-existence with me! I mean, have you ever encountered a situation like this before? This is my daily scenario. Just imagine.

Also, he added that the only fact I was here was that she'd left me on his front door before she vanished. And he had no other option.

Once I'd asked, "Why didn't you donate me to some orphanage?"

Do you know what he replied?

"Because that would require a lot of time waste and paperwork and even to and fro travelling."

I mean- that's my dad. Biologically.

He drinks all the time, and never in my life have I seen any good side to him. Nor do I expect it anymore.

Yes my dad is very rich. But I'd rather live with old church mice than live like this. But I do anyway. And that's why looking at Natalie makes me jealous- she's so pretty, and always surrounded by boys, and girls. She has so many friends, and a loving family. Wow. She has everything.

But she is not my Natalie.

I remember how we used to play in the park. Sometimes I wonder if she remembers it. I wonder where she might be now, because I'm damn sure that Natalie Summers is not the Natalie. Not my Natalie.
She was the only one who had entertained me with love and care ever. And her mom was the only one who taught me manners. I would love to meet them again- just to relive all those moments and feel the love and warmth- again.

But how can I know for sure that Natalie Summers is not my Natalie? Oh God, if it were not for that Alec, if I could have seen Mrs Summers' face, only then could I have been sure about Natalie. I already have begun to develop dislike, moreover, why not say it?- hate for Alec.

I don't know why we shifted here again from London in the first place- I mean dad was doing pretty well there. I'm glad anyways. Not that I care in any manner. Obviously I don't.

I'm like a dummy who lives in this place. I'm not loved, I'm not needed. I'm just a burden, and sometimes I feel his agitation and irritation. He doesn't talk to me, my dad. He doesn't even look at me sometimes. It's all so much bullshit for me to bear.

And then I watched some telly box to spend the day. Then I wrote some verses, just to divert myself.
The bell was rung by my dad at exactly ten.

Hopefully he was alone tonight. He was drunk and had dined outside as usual. I said nothing. He did he same.

He quietly loosened his tie and let it fall carelessly on the couch. He then walked to his room and I as usual secretly peeped inside to watch him bend over an old photograph and cry his heart out. He poured his heart out whenever he was alone and not drunk enough so as to fall asleep on the main door itself to this photograph. So I guessed that it might be my dad's someone special. Hopefully I thought that it might be my actual mom. Maybe he just pretended that my mom was a whore for him, whereas actually he loved her. Maybe. That hope surged somewhere in me and that was what enables me to survive in this shitty place.

Once I'd tried to find the photograph but my dad is more clever than I'd thought. He hides it in a secret place somewhere in his room- somewhere that I have never been able to reach. I have given up trying to find it- I don't want to break all my hopes and dreams finding out that it is some random naked woman and not a beautiful woman, not someone beloved. But I think that that would not be the case. Still, I don't want to take the risk. So I chose to rather give up than just break myself all the more.
I turned to go away and the door creaked just a bit, but enough for him to hear.


He looked at me. I stepped back, scared.

He strode towards me, taking huge steps. He scared me. I was constantly taking backward steps.

I expected a back smack on my face and had already closed my eyelids hard. I had squeezed my eyes close, ready for the impact. But all that came out was a feeble- "What are you doing here?"

Huh? That's it?

"I-I- who's that woman?" I croaked, building my confidence. For the first time ever in my life was I talking to my dad this way. Till now, all our life had been formal.

"My college crush." He whispered back. He sat down there.

"You're crying for your crush? No. It must be love." I replied. He looked at me, but said nothing.

For the first time, he'd confided in me. For the first time, he was sharing something about him to me. I was feeling so confident and satisfied. For the first time in years. Maybe our relationship could still be worked out. Maybe dad and son could still rock and roll the world.

"Am I capable of love?" He said at last.

Was he capable of love?

"Everyone is capable of love." I said. I didn't believe it, but I was saying it anyways. Right now, I would do anything to gain his confidence. I would do everything to give our relationship a chance. This was important to me.

He sighed.

"She was so beautiful. Spoons makes me remember of her."

I looked at him. He winced in pain- maybe the pain from past memories.

"She went away. With my best friend."

"Your best friend?" I asked.

"Dan Summers."

Summers? That couldn't possibly be...

My dad collapsed on floor.

I made him lie on the bed and carefully tucked his tie beside him, after retrieving it from the couch.
There was a lot I had to find out now. Starting tomorrow.

So now things are beginning to happen. What do you think is happening? Yay! Now more things will happen! More story. My finals are not even a week away and look at what the hell I'm doing! But I'm getting obsessed with my own story lol. Anyways now I'm going, so - huge good night hug. It's almost one am now shit I got to go. Bye love!

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