Me: Well look at you all mature.

Jayden: You proud?

Me: Yeah.

Jayden: Thanks.

Me: You welcome.

Jayden: Well I should go check up on Ava.

She got up and I watched her every move. 

Jayden: Feel better soon , okay?

Me: Alright.

She was walking towards the door when I wrapped myself around her , stopping her from going anywhere. She turned and looked down at me. I gave her my puppy dog eyes.

Jayden: Damn it.

Haha , she know she can't turn down my eyes.

Jayden: What do ya want now.

Me: I want you to stay.

Jayden: I can't.

Me: Please. I don't wanna be alone.

Jayden: But I've g-

I whimpered.

Jayden: Okay okay. But just for a hour or two.

Me: Okay.

She put me back in the bed and got in with me. I laid on her chest and she wrapped an arm around my waist as I entwined our legs.

Me: Thanks for being here with me.

She pressed her lips on my forehead.

Jayden: You know I'd do anything for you. Go to sleep , you need it.

I mumbled a okay and shut my eyes. I shortly fell asleep to her drawing circles on my lower back.

| 3 Hours Later |

I woke up to voices and laughter.

Me: Shut up. I got a headache.

I snuggled closer to Jayden , who apparently got smaller and taller in a few hours.

I opened one eye to see Lauren.

Me: You know what , nevermind. I'm just gonna go for a walk.

Karlie: You can't leave the room and you know that.

Me: No no. I'll be okay.

Lauren: Babe-

Me: Lauren , don't. 

I got up and fixed the hospital gown , thankful that I had on spandex underneath it. I grabbed the IV thingy and walked out the room. I went to the left and heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Karlie.

Karlie: Sweetheart , come back. You need-

Me: Karlie , I'm fine. I just got need to walk off a charlie horse.

I walked off before she even had a chance to reply. I honestly had no clue where I'm going , I just wanted to get out that room. I've been up in that room for two days with no good food , nothing good on TV , barely any conversation and I'm really tired of sleeping.

I went to the right and saw more rooms. 

What I need is good food , something scary to watch on TV , conversation and something fun , but no. I'm stuck in this damn hospital. 

??: Jayda?

I looked back seeing Jayden and Ava , who looked like she was leaving.

Ava looked bad as hell. She had bruises on her face. Both of her eyes were swollen and purple. She had some stitches and scratches.

The Old Girl - Sequel -Where stories live. Discover now