Chapter Thirty Three- The boy life

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I ignored him.

"Please," he begged.

"Fine," I agreed, taking my wrist away from his grasp. "But something more later," he smirked as I left.

"Watch your back Sullivan cause I'm quite the prankster." I turned back and said.

"Oh, I'll be waiting," he smirked as I turned away and left.


I banged my head on the table as soon as I got to my seat in chemistry.

Thank god our Chemistry teacher isn't here today.

I was in such a cr*py mood today.

"What's wrong?" Asks Skye.

"Oh nothing much just that I spent the whole of social studies awkwardly sitting next to Matt without anyone saying a word."

"Is that all? " questioned May sympathetically.

"No. Evan bugged me in the morning, I had to wake up extra early for Mitch's stupid practice, Emm's been rubbing the whole Evan thing in my face, Sinner's been stalking me all morning, Kat keeps walking towards me and then walking away and Fred keeps asking me why you're ignoring him after the kiss," I said pointing at Skye.

She instantly turned beetroot red and swore under her mouth.

"Hiding secrets from us are you," Maddy raises her eyebrowl.

"Spill girl, spill," Jazz points accusingly at Skye. "I always tell you my boy drama," she adds and we chuckle.

"Oh the tree teddy bears drama, huh yeah very Intresting. Especially when you go into the details," May says sarcastically.

"Three teddies?" Jazz raises her eyebrow.

"Yeah I named them all after the first," we all laughed.

"Why does your cousin even have such a name?" Asks Skye.

"His name isn't actually Ted, it's Todd but when he was a kid, well still is a kid but anyways he couldn't even pronounce his own name, plus he always loved his teddies. My grandpa always made a joke that he'd be buried with them,"I chuckle in remembrance." I still remember him, he'd go everywhere with them, especially Charlie, this plum one with glasses." I ramble.

"Ahaa Ted had a teddy bear called Charlie! What a coincidence!" Maddy laughs. "It's a sign!"

"Fate has brought the teddies together for Jazz," laughs Skye. "Take your pick. Will it be Ted 1, 2 or 3?"

"Funny joke," I say in between laughs, "but you're changing the subject, naughty Skye. So tell us all about your lovely time with Fred," I taunt.

"EVA!" She whines.

We then all attack Skye with questions.


"Eva, f*ckin hell please just stop," Sinner said sternly as he finally managed to corner me.

"What do u want? If it's about your phone from the other day, I'm sure Mr. Kenam will give it back to you soon, so no need to pester me selfie addict."

"What's got your knickers in a knot?" He smirks.

"None of your business, now just spit out what you wanna say."

"Aww is it because of you and lover boy?" He made kissing sounds.

"Just cut to the chase," I mutter.

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