Put a sock in it.

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Every-day on the dinner table in school, there is this tiny black fly (that resembles a dot), which hovers past everyone. I reach out to grab it, my friends' (oOo that's a plural ;D) reach out, but still the fly comes back the next day! Now, I have two theories this fly rapidly produces every-day; resulting in a dot turning into an ellipses hehehe maybe only I'll get that joke... oh well it made me laugh. Now, the second theory is that, this fly lives in someone's school bag. Don't you hate it how flies are like ''Hey human I'm going to hover around you, then use Harry Potter's invisibility cloak just to be a sneaky little unicorn excrement." Yeah, I hate that too, oh the feels.

So, I decided that maybe, I should be a 'good girl' and download some educational apps. As I roam around the app store I come to the harrowing conclusion- that all of these apps are either demos or you need to pay. Now, where the flying monkey is the logic in that? A superb game like The Blockheads is free (60+MB), and then a bit of revision guidance costs?

Okay, so I want to make some snide and slightly scary comment about parliament addressing this issue; however most of you will be thinking what the flying monkey am I reading! So, I'm stopping at that, just imagine politics and some MP's name... yawn!

Moving on... I hate it how people who are many years younger than me, upload Facebook statuses boasting about some 18 rated scary movie they have watched. Well here is the fifteen year old who got so scared watching the first half of 'The woman in Black', that I was too scared to go upstairs by myself. I noticed that I used a number for eighteen and wrote out 15 (oops I did it again...), that was on purpose because I'm strange okay? Let's leave it at that.

Another thing which really grinds my gears is how whenever I'm walking in the rain people give me weird looks. The rain is one of the things which cools me down (aaargh pun, where is my English teacher?); as the coldness drops on my face, all these built-in feelings wash away. Damn woman this is not a poetry book! I hate it when I'm walking in the rain, because people always say get an umbrella, I do not care about my hair getting wet so please shut up.

Shallow girls annoy the *Beep* out of me. This one girl was like 'Maya your hair is so big OMG do you have straighteners?' Do you have the memory of a goldfish! You're the same girl who liked my photos with straight hair. And yes I am aware my hair is 'big', why should I straighten my hair every single day (most days.. you get my drift), just to please people like you? My natural hair type is wavy, when I wash my hair it is wavy, do I really want to punish my hair with heat just for you? Most of the boys I know don't straighten their hair, so why should I? Anyway, I straighten my fringe most of the time, by hair I mean the whole shaboom(thing) xD

Another thing which infuriates me is people who eat so loud! Are you an animal? Yes by looking at you I am perfectly aware that you are eating, please stop the horrible teeth sounds! What is so hard about eating with your mouth closed? Everyone else is just eating, like hey there nothing strange going on here, and I'm just being tortured by myself? Please stop with the sounds, If I grit my teeth any-more, I am scared I may file them.  I don't care how good-looking you are, shut the flying monkey up! When you are making loud sounds, you are not communicating with me, unless you're sending get-really-annoyed signals to my brain by purpose. Stop.

I hate those girls who act so sweet in-front of boys, but when they're with other girls, the bitchy side comes out. Why? So you would rather be nice to some boy in your class, than a genuinely nice girl? Okay, real logic there.

Now, I understand that everyone changes, yabadabadoo, even I have changed! By that I mean if someone is winding me up, I will give them a piece of my mind. And when that happens, you have just gained a nemesis. But there are some really nice people, who turn into total jerks? So, the year before you were a nice person, who used to laugh and treat everyone equally. Unfortunately, now you are some evil person who laughs at other peoples' expenses, and your answer back to someone is a grunt. Like okay, major escalation from human to monkey.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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