Angels Lie

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Hey this is my first ever story on here, its never been read before I put on here and I hope you all enjoy it. Let's see how this story and Belle's destiny unfolds.

Chapter 1


    There I awoke, laid upon the soft grass facing the beautiful sky. I could see the sun was setting because the sky looked as though hundreds of colours had exploded in it. I sat up and looked around at the magnificent beauty of the clearing.

How did I get here? I asked myself. I must be dreaming my thoughts continued and slowly I stood to my feet. I dusted down the beautiful white dress which ended at my ankles right I’m definitely dreaming I thought as I took in every detail of the dress. The dress was shoulder less and was covered in a beautiful white lace. Its sleeves reached my elbows and then finished with lovely lace cuffs. The dress flowed around my legs in the beautiful breeze. Now that is one nice dress I thought as I watched it flow gracefully. I looked around the clearing; I could see hundreds of trees that worked like a wall that let no light into the wood.

    “Beautiful is it not?” I heard a soft masculine voice that came behind me say and with that I jumped. I turned to face where the voice had come from. His voice was soft and gentle, filled with understanding and something deep within my very soul recognised the voice even though, consciously I didn’t.

    “Y-you startled me” I stuttered as I lifted my hand to my chest, just above my heart and felt it race. It felt as though my heart was about to beat through my chest.

    “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you” the man said, his skin was a pale colour and he was the most beautiful person I had ever set eyes on. His dark brown eyes were so dark that they seemed that they were black and I could see several emotions swirl within them. His hair was a glorious dark brown, that looked silky smooth and I could feel an urge to run my hand through it. His voice sounded gentle and understanding, soft and soothing.

Wow I never knew my imagination was capable of creating such a hot guy I thought as my eyes drifted to his bare chest well hi there my thought’s began to flirt. It wasn’t like me to think this way and to mentally flirt but for some reason I couldn’t seem to help myself. My eyes kept going down, looking at his magnificent body. He was only wearing jeans. Now that is one nice body I thought, I stretched out the word nice and had to suppress an embarrassing giggle.

    “Are you ok?” His voice interrupted my extremely embarrassing mind babble and my eyes quickly jolted back to looking into his eyes.

    “Yeah I’m fine” I said.

Fine? I’m more than fine am brilliant! The thought was shocking even for me when it spiralled around my mind.

    “What is your name? My beauty” he said, he caressed my left cheek and brushed through my fiery auburn hair with his free hand. His touch sent a strange sensation through my body and I could feel longing fill me. It felt as though fireworks had been set loose throughout my body.

    “M-my n-name” I began to stutter. So I tried to gain some control over my mouth (which I never actually had much control over in the first place) “my names Belle” I finally managed to say.

    “Belle such a beautiful name do you know that? My name is Casstiel but you may call me Cass” he said. Cass? Isn’t that a girl’s name? I asked my mental self.

    “Cass that’s kind of cool” I blurted without thinking and he smiled a soft, heart stopping smile.

    “Belle, will you please walk with me?” He asked in a total gentle men way, he lifted his hand out and waited for my answer.

I placed my hand within his and nodded once “yes Cass I will walk with you.”

Wow! I thought my imagination must be working overtime I smiled as I thought it. We began to walk. He held my hand like one of those real gentle men from like the 1800’s which strangely enough only made me even more attracted to him.

After we had walked out of the clearing he began to speak “Belle I am here for a very important reason” he said as we walked through the shadows and I nodded. “I am here to tell you of something that is to happen soon, you must listen and take note do you understand Belle?” He said, his facial expression told me he was very serious and he spoke emotionlessly.

    “I-I understand” I replied almost automatically.

    “You must take everything I say and remember it Belle” he paused for a moment and looked to me “when you awake look on your back in the mirror and you shall know that this is no dream” he continued.

Of course this is a dream, my imagination must be on over drive I thought to myself but I let him continue talking.

“Soon a woman shall come forth to you and ask you to say yes, you must say yes without question. You will know what to do when the time comes” he said “your life will change Belle and that you must understand. Your life is going to change completely and it will be hard to a just to it but you will. I cannot tell you too much, you are to learn it Belle” he continued and took in a deep, slow breath. “Listen to your dreams Belle remember you must listen to them, remember them and listen when you hear the cries” he said.

    “Cries, what cries?” I asked.

    “The cries you will soon begin to hear Belle you have been chosen for this” he said, he bent down and kissed me upon my fore head. “Do not forget I am with you always and I shall never leave” he continued and that’s when he faded away.

I began to walk namelessly around the dark wood, looking for someone, looking for anyone I could find “hello?” I shouted. I looked round “is anyone there? Hello? I’m kind of, sort of lost” I shouted.

Wait! This is my dream all I have to do is wake up! I suddenly thought.

“Yes! All I have to do it wake up!” I said. I closed my eyes and pinched my arm, then opened them.

Ok seems that’s easier said than done I thought. I continued around the round the forest which seemed to be endless.

“Hello? Is anyone there? I’m lost!” I shouted as I walked mindlessly.

After walking for what felt like a century I saw a light as the end of the forest and walked as quickly as I could towards it. As I approached it I began to hear voices, male voices.

Maybe whoever they are can help me wake up or something I thought it’s worth a try my thoughts continued. But the closer I got to the light the clearer the voices got and the more curious I got to what they were talking about.

    “It’s too late” I heard one voice say “Cass has already been to her” the voice sounded snappy and angry “I told you we should have acted sooner” the voice continued.

    “We have to make it so Cass falls” another voice said, this one sounded strong and powerful and also very, very angry.

Fall? That doesn’t sound good I thought.

“It’s our only choice, if he falls then he can’t help protect her so we can slip in then” the voice said.

    “We need her blood” a different voice said, he sounded emotionless “and we need it soon. How will making Casstiel fall make any difference? If he falls he could get even closer to her” the voice continued.

That’s when it registered in my mind. They’re talking about me. They want my blood I thought. This is just a dream, nothing more than a dream I thought to myself but it didn’t convince me. It felt too real to be just a dream, but it couldn’t be anything more. Then I heard the men continue talking.

    “But if he doesn’t fall he can protect her better” the second voice said this time he sounded much more reasoning.

    “I agree, we need to make it so he falls” the first voice “so it is settled” he continued. “We make sure Casstiel falls” he finished and the light went out.

I looked around the dark shadows, there was nothing a great! What a fucked up dream I thought I have to get out of here, I have to wake up I thought. WAKE UP! My mind screamed WAKE THE HELL UP! My thought pattern continued and that’s when I did wake up.

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