Precipice - Chapter One

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PrecipiceChapter One

"What if I fall?"

"Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"

Erin Hanson

Always stronger.

Always faster.

Always better.

Better than yesterday. Better than what they thought of her. Better than what she thought of herself.

"Urgh!" A high-pitched grunt escaped the bluenette's pink parted lips. Her scarred and bleeding hands struck the splintering log. Hit after hit, pain reverberated up her arm like the deep slice of a kunai.

A pained cry filled the empty clearing as she collapsed onto boney knees. She grasped her wrist with a gasp, crawling to lean against the abused log. Staring down at her broken hand her vision clouded over as her tears pooled.

Bitting her quivering lower lip, she shook her head.

'How can so much pain occur under such a beautiful sky,' she thought as the stars winked down at her. 'I can't... I can't anymore. Please...' Her heart laid heavy in her chest as tears streaked down her face.

In a land where thousands of hero's resided, no one was there to save that single girl from her suffocating despair. No knight in shining armour, which every girl was promised. No man in a red cape, swooping down and carrying her away. There, in the dead of night, no one was there to save her... except herself.


Hinata peeled open her crusted lids. The mocking sun's rays shone down, burning her tear strained eyes. Managing a squint, she surveyed the area. Only the rustling of trees could be seen. A few scarce voices could be heard in the distance. With the sun peaking over the horizon she knew it to be early morning.

Her eyes drooped to her lap. Her mind was now silent but all that furthered was the hollow feeling that slowly consumed her.

Hinata tilted her head, focusing on her broken hand. She twitched her fingers, not flinching as a her joints burned from the movement. She did it again, stretching, bending, and flexing against their pleading cry.

Her dead eyes lifted.

With a resigned sigh she stood, putting most of her weight on the training post. With a few wobbles she righted herself on cramping legs.

With her eyes on her scuffed sandals she did not enjoy the scenery as she shuffled along the well-worn path that connected this training ground to her tiny abode. Further she walked, deeper into the forest that surrounded the village walls. The sounds of the village mellowed to silence, now only her heavy breaths and the ruffling of leaves met her ears.

She was wasting away at only thirteen years of age. A shell of who she used to be. Her old clothes hung off of her thinning body. Her cheekbones stark against the sunken hollows of her cheeks and eyes. Oiled hair clung to the back of her neck, her bangs clumping and thin. A hastily thrown bandage covered her forehead.

Using her good hand she twisted the knob of her run down shack: her home. Despite the circumstances she loved the place. Isolated, quiet, quaint—it fit her well. A minuscule smile adorned her face.

"Is that a smile I see?"

Hinata's eyes snapped towards the sound. Chilled air rushed into her lungs.

Her shoulders slumped in relief, "Ka-Kakashi-sensei." The twenty-three year old Jōnin sensei leaned casually against her kitchen counter.

Kakashi let out an awkward chuckle. "Sorry," he scratched the back of his head. "Didn't mean to scare you."

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