GENIES AND WITCHES - Magical Stinky Smell

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The witches knew that Genie's slept in bottles,  "Where should we look first.  I smell the magical stinky smell.  Look around for a pretty bottle, they like sleeping in them, I don't understand why they're really uncomfortable." said Ruth   

Genies, Genies are so confusing, sleeping in bottles, with nowhere to run. Silly creatures don't know that they're done. We will catch them and make them our slaves.  they will serve us, and do what we say.  Silly Genies aren't that smart,  witches, believe me, will take them down.  Shatter the bottle, trap them today, take all their powers, them off with there heads." Ruth continues as she sings with a smile.

"Are you serious, did you really?" said Hilda the youngest witch.  "What?  I didn't do anything wrong, I just wonder why they like sleeping in bottles so much." said Ruth  "So did you find out why?" asked Hilda  "No I didn't!  All right! go downstairs and look around.   I'll check up here. No more question, get moving."  said Ruth  

Hilda looked at her, " And she says that Genies are crazy, sometimes I wonder." she thought to herself as she walked and sang a song going down the steps.  Ruth heard her singing and ran down the hallway and yelled, "Quiet!"   so loud that the old house shuck.  

"Cindy got off the bed quickly.  She remembered she left her husband downstairs in their bottle.  She panicked not knowing what to do she ran into the closet and throw all the dirty laundry over herself.  She covered herself completely.  She couldn't use magic, for she knew that these witches were much, much more powerful than her and can sense where the magic was coming from. She kept as quiet as possible.

Meanwhile,  downstairs Sam heard the witches getting closer and closer.  He figured he'll be fogged out, but before he was able to do so, he noticed that someone bottle capped the entrance and then it moved, not knowing he was just put it inside a witch's bag.   "I've found one, boy oh boy.  Wait, I can't tell Ruth.  It's not fair she already has some Genie's power, I have none.  I'll just tell her I didn't find anything of importance.  Ya, that's what I'll do." she spoke out loud to herself.   That moment Ruth was coming down the steps and heard her last sentence.  "You'll tell me what?" asked Ruth as she makes it down the steps.   

Hilda got a little scared and nervous, but still found the guts to speak.  "I've was telling myself, that you wasn' t going to like what I was going to tell you." explain Hilda  "What is it, tell me." said Ruth   "Whoever told you there were two Genies hiding here, lie to you. There's nothing nor anyone here, look for yourself." explain Hilda   "Are you sure, why are you  so red and sweaty."asked Ruth  "Come on, I was searching all down here, what do you expect."said Hilda  "Well I'd  searched all upstairs and  now I'm  not all sweaty.  Are you sure you're not hiding a Genie in that bag?" asked Ruth   

"No I'm not, and I don't care what you say or think, you're not checking my bag," said Hilda in a very loud tone.  "You better not be, if I find out you're lying, I promise you those pretty eyes of your will be mine.  Don't ever forget that." said Ruth   "Don't worry I don't have anything to worry about." said Hilda     "I hope so!" said Ruth as she jumps on her broom and takes off.   Hilda took off right behind her wondering and hoping Ruth never find out want she's done.  Hilda wasn't about to give up her eyes.

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