Chapter 20

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Got a lot of great suggestions! Hopefully you like this!


Landon's been distant these couple of days. I've asked everyone as to how I could cheer him up or if they knew why he was like this.

No one knew.

I hate seeing him like this and I wish he told me what was bothering him. I'm guessing it's what happened at the party but he wouldn't be like this.

When I would leave the house I'd always text him saying 'I love you.'

I get no response.

It's frustrating me and my wolf because our mate should always be happy.

He isn't.


"Landon where are you going?" I asked as I saw him walk out the front door. He gave me a glance and continued to walk.

"I'm.. going to meet up with someone." He said. My wolf jumped in happiness with him talking to me but we were still curious.

"With who?"

"No one." He sad with sadness in his eyes. Why can't he tell me?

"Okay.." I trailed off as I watched him walk away. He had his phone in his hands and I saw that he gripped it tightly. What was on that phone?

I sighed and slammed the door. I can't follow him, I can't. I have to trust him. He'll tell me on his own time.


'Come to the woods behind the park. Don't think about not coming. Your little Belle won't make it past the night.'

That's what Alec texted me. How dare he threaten Belle!

I may not be able to protect her against Alec but I would at least try.

The cold air surrounded me and I began to walk faster. My breath came in cold puffs and I shoved my hands in my pockets.

Why must I go to the park? Why all the way over there?

I knew Belle was upset that I wasn't talking to her but it was for a reason.

Alec has been threatening me about killing Belle and I just couldn't risk it.

It was killing me to stop talking to her but I had to do it. It may not be very smart but you have to think..

What if he did manage to hurt her? Or possible kill her?

That couldn't happen.


"Didn't think you would come, Landon." I heard Alec say from behind a tree.

"Come out Alec. Don't play games with me." I spat. I don't have time for this. I wanted to apologize to Belle.

"I'm not alone brother." He said. Why is he talking like this? I would laugh, if I weren't in this situation.

"What do you want." I said through clenched teeth. I just wanted to get this over with. I look around and 4 guys walked around trees, along with my brother. They were all about 6'5 and about 195 pounds each.

I don't think they wanted to talk to me..

"You know what I want. And I'm going to get her. You don't deserve her. you don't deserve anything," Alec spat at me.

"And I know how to get her.." He trailed off.

"You will not hurt her. Over my dead body will you get her."

"That can be arranged brother.." He whispered. He them took out something from behind his back.

All I saw was a flash and all four guys running at me with a bag before everything went black.


"Owen stop pacing." I groaned as I held my head.

"What if he's hurt!" He yelled at me. He ran a hand through his hair and continued to pace. Wouldn't I feel it if he was hurt?

"Lets go follow him." I said after watching him pace some more.

"We should have done that from the beginning!" Owen yelled. He was right. We should've.

"Common Owen." I groaned when he wouldn't follow right away.

When he walked after me he threw me something and I immediately caught it.

I studied it and asked, "A knife?"

"Something bad is happening and I just know it." Owen said and my stomach dropped. He was right. I could feel it too. I was just denying it.

"Owen we have to hurry." I said as a pain went in my stomach. So you could feel if they got hurt.

I started to run and I ignored Owens calls. I had to get to Landon.

My legs went faster and I ignored the cold that was hitting my skin. My hair was blown behind and I picked up the speed when I felt more pain.

I groaned in pain and held my stomach but continued to run.

Nothing could stop me.


"Landon?!" I called once his scent ended. I heard a little noise behind a tree and I ran to it.

"Landon?" I asked again. Was he hurt?

Blood filled the air and my body tensed. Landon.

I growled loudly and I felt my eyes changing colors.

I ran behind the tree and saw Landon laying on the ground with a bag around his head with a rope around his neck, holding the bag in place.

Blood pored out of his stomach and it looked like he was stabbed.

"Landon.." I whimpered and fell to my knees next to him. I was about to take the rope off and I heard leaves crunch as someone walked behind me.

"This is the last night you'll see him. I'm taking him away from you." Someone whispered and hands held mine and they dragged me backwards. I screamed and pulled but they wouldn't budge.

They must be werewolves as well.

I watched as Alec took Landon and laid him in a car.

"Landon!" I screamed and cried in frustration.

I pulled as hard as I could but they still wouldn't budge.

"Let go of me! Landon!" I screamed, my throat burned and I was covered in dirt. The guys grip tightened on my hands and I felt bruises start to form.

Tears were running down my face as I watched helplessly as Alec drove away.

"Landon! Ill come find you!" I sobbed. The guys let go and I fell to the ground. I felt the distance grow in between us.

"Landon.." I whimpered and as the pain got too intense, black filled my vision.


Good or bad?

Sorry if y'all don't like me updating so slowly but I do have a life :P I've been having horrible migraines and I just can't do it.

But please comment your thoughts!

So rape that comment and vote button!

Love you!

Stay beautiful xx

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