poetry // nyanga123

384 43 7

You see it in magazines and movies

A woc who is beautiful and a white male boyfriend who doesn't match up to her

Although some may say looks isn't everything why with movies with men of color and if he is dating a white female their looks both equal up.

In mass media women of color are representation to younger girls of the same race.

What happens when these younger girls see their representation pining or with white males that do not equal to them and on the film some don't equal mentally too

Young women of color have probably heard someone tell them to marry white and these movies just push the ideology.

On the other hand there is nothing wrong with dating someone white or interracial dating, but there is a problem when our media teaches young girls that they will only be valid if they date or marry someone white. It pushes eurocentrism, and even the fetishization of mixed children.

-Nyanga; 15; United States; black 

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