i am not your stereotype // malumnope

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A couple a weeks ago a man named Donald trump, a person who is in the running to become president, gave a hate speech that included the typical stereotyping of Mexicans. He had stated that Mexicans are all drug dealers and rapists. This man is an old wrinkly racist who in all honesty shouldn't even be considered to be president.

Let me tell you about Mexicans in the United States, they are one of the hardest working people you will ever meet. Mexicans come here to have a better life, yes you probably here this all the time but have you just thought about it? I know my family came here in order to leave a place where they had no clean water, incomplete homes, and gang filled neighborhoods. Ive meet a lot of other families who came to America for that reason and because they want their kids to become more than what they have achieved by going to school. Education is important because they don't want their kids to wake up at 4 in the morning to work in a factory or dangerous jobs only to come back late at night with aching body parts. They want their kids to be able to earn enough money so they have a good life with their very own kids and never miss any parts in their lives. What did we ever do to you? Im sorry that you see us as the problem of America. The only problem I see are racist people like yourself

I bet Donald trump only thinks that because he watches too many movies where Mexicans are depicted as that. Well guess what? I am not your stereotype trump and hate speech is not presidential.


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