Jayden: Jayda?

Me: Hm?

Jayden: Stay away from Ava.

Me: Excuse me?

Jayden stopped and looked at me.

Jayden: You heard me , don't play dumb. Stay away from Ava. Why would you even pull a gun on her?

I laughed and shook my head.

Me: Then tell her she isn't mi madre or padre , so she can't be telling me telling me what to do. 

Jayden: We'll talk about this later.

Me: No we're finished talking about this because obviously your little petty ass girlfriend is telling lies and shit in your ear and your not even asking my side!

Jayden: Because I know you! Your petty as hell , Jayda! Plus you don't even know what the hell she said!

Me: Petty!? I'm not the petty one obviously because your the one who has a fucking problem with me! I don't even know what I did to you!


Skylar came up to us.

Skylar: Sorry to interrupt you two , but we don't have all day so you are gonna have to finish your argument later.

She pulled me away from Jayden and down to the water.

Skylar: Okay. So go in the water and pose for me.

Photographer: Wait , I want a in action one. 

Me: A whata what?

Photographer: Okay so imagine that its a video in slow motion. But do it in regular motion. I will capture pictures as you do it.

Me: Oh. Okay.

I decided to splash around and laugh until he told me to stop.

Photographer: Yes honey! I got that one!

I laughed to my self and looked at Skylar.

Me: You want another pose?

Skylar nodded.

Me: Okay then.

I went underwater and came back up pushing my hair back from my eyes.

Skylar: That it's Jayda! Gimmie more! Infact come up to the sand.

I came up to the sand.

Skylar: Do one laying down.

Me: Mkay.

I laid down a few feet from the water and on my back. My left arm was higher than my right and my right leg was over my left. I had a faint-ish smile on my face and was looking down so my eyes looked closed.

Skylar: Alright! One more!

I brought my knees up and wrapped my right arm around my legs with my left arm in my hair. I looked at the camera and smiled.


I laughed and got up.

Skylar: Nice job Jayda! You can go back to the tent. There's tea in there if you want some. You can also change back out. Here's a towel and keep the bikini.

Me: Thanks and okay.

I wrapped the towel around myself and walked past Jayden and into the tent. Rosa was sitting on the couch on her phone.

The Old Girl - Sequel -Where stories live. Discover now