Chapter 36

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A group of Chief Doctors in Four, entered the emergency award along with two nurses. Anirudh reflected on anika's mortal life, knowing that it would all be gone soon, in a blink of an eye. His eyes bleed in pain. The nurse in charge came in and out, tensely. Anirudh stood in a despite depression, seeing anika inside the ward, through the small hole from outside. The wet hot tears fill up anirudh's eyes, his throat closed tight and the tears split over and flowed down his face like a river, escaping a dam, looking how anika was treatmented.

Anirudh's and Anika's parents stood in a corner of the hall, crying. Anu bawled out loudly, without restraint , unable to control herself. The moment when her eyes gaze was fixed on anika's nose bleeding, her breath was taken away. Vaishnavi who was also, broken down into pieces, tried to control anu but she couldn't. All her thoughts went on the people who must have talked ill about anika. The whole family was in a depressed state. Suddenly, anirudh's phone rang. He received the call without noticing the dialers name on screen and placed it on his ears, with a serious look.

"Woah! Feels so great seeing you and your family crying! Though the scene with is emotional to see, but it's rocking me as I'm watching it live. Mr.Rock is crying, the man who sent waves to the music world in tears. This could the headline in tomorrow's paper. Owh! Ani, I don't know whether to cry or laugh for you. See,your fate in marrying anika have put you in tears at the end." Harish said,atrocious.

"You idiot ! What wrong did anika do to you man? After all she loved you trustworthy, but you weren't a real man to her. You were a womanizer. Knowing your true colours she avoided you.And now forgetting everything about her past, she lived happily like a gem until you came and spoiled her thoughts. Look here, if something wrong happens to my anika, I will smack you down painlessly." Anirudh shouted, through the phone speaker.

Literally, Anirudh lashed out his anger not caring about his family member around. Everyone looked bluntly at anirudh, hearing his anger voice. Iyappan tired to convice anirudh but he didn't listen to Iyappan.

"Hahaha Ani! The treatment that's happening now for anika will not be successful, nothing can cure the poison that she took in. You asked me, what wrong anika did to me right, she didn't give me the thing she gave you. She made you happy by making her yours but she didn't do that to me. I begged her for ages but she treated me like a begger. That's why I dediced to teach her a lesson. I thought of aborting her baby first and then kill her slowly but then I realized that she is second handed women, so finished her lesson off." Harish said, baneful.

"HARISHHH !!" Anirudh yelled.

Before anirudh could speak something more, Harish ended his call. Anirudh fell down and bawled out loudly. Iyappan consoled anirudh, caressing his back. While, his family was confused, wondering about the guy harish. Since they have no idea about him.

"Machan, what wrong did I or Anika do in our life. Why does she have to face this much pain. We both wished, talked and had fun about our baby dreams but now everything is going to leave us. I want my anika safe, I can't live without her, i need my anika in my arms. For Anika's unbearable situation, the behind is harish, his death is nearing." Anirudh said, brokenly.

"Machan, don't lose yourself anika will be safe. Nothing, will happen to her and to your baby. Look now, you have to take a step to defeat Harish. If you leave him freely, he will use the gap to harass anika which is not safe for her now. Come on Ani, show him who you're." Iyappan consoled, sincerely.

Iyappan 's words gave a hope to anirudh. He wiped off his tears and walked towards his dad. Anirudh cleared his throat to get his dad's attention. Anirudh's dad turned around cautiously and looked at anirudh bluntly.

" Pa , may I have a word with you ? " Anirudh requested to his dad who was sitting there with a dull face. " For sure. Don't be so formal my boy " his dad said and followed Anirudh's back to a private corner. " Tell me what is it about. Be frank and be straight to the point " his dad instructed.

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