Surprise Chapter-Part 2

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Rose's POV
I woke up really early this morning, around 6 and almost cried because I was so tired but couldn't get back to sleep. When I looked over to my left I saw the love of my life sleeping like a beast. He always slept on his stomach with his arms under the pillow or one over me. I rolled over and started stroking Dakota's hair and rubbing his neck. His eyes opened slowly as he started to wake up.
"Good morning. How did you sleep?" I asked as Dakota's eyes started closing again, not wanting him to go back to sleep. "Mmm good...until now. What are you doing awake?" He opened his eyes slightly.
"I couldn't go back to sleep. I have an idea since we're both awake." I answered, pulling my hand away from his neck. But Dakota grabbed my hand and placed it back onto his neck as he said,"We are? I'm not so sure that's entirely correct...What are you thinking we do this morning, just us?" I noticed his eyes started to darken slightly. Ignoring his first question, I answered,"It is way too early for that. But how about we go downstairs, because no one is awake yet, and make something good for breakfast."

I saw a look of disappointment when I ruled out sex, but Dakota got a smirk on his face while he said,"That is a great idea. You make the coffee and I start the bacon?" Before he could even get up, I jumped out of bed and tiptoed to the empty kitchen. I had no idea how to start the coffee maker, but that wasn't going to stop me from having a good cup of coffee. I probably spent 10 minutes just trying to figure out which machine in the kitchen was the coffee maker and another 5 minutes just trying to find the coffee stuff. Then out of nowhere, I felt two muscular arms wrap around my waist and I jumped a little bit, because I was not expecting Dakota to even think of getting out of bed without his cup of coffee. "What are you doing up?" I asked, surprised, and turned around to face him.

"I was just going to stay in bed until someone brought me coffee, until I realized you didn't know how to work the coffee machine." Dakota says and starts kissing my neck and jawline. I was really enjoying this, until I interrupted him before we went too far, in his parents kitchen..not really a turn on for me. "Show me how to make coffee with this thing. Then, while its being made, we can go up stairs and do...stuff."
"Okay. But you cannot keep teasing me like this for much longer, because us Tate boys are not known for their patience when it comes to stuff like this..and I am not any different." Dakota states after kissing my lips a little more. He then puts the coffee stuff into the machine and pressed about 5 bazillion buttons and asks,"Do you know how to start the coffee maker now?" Instead of going through another useless tutorial, I just lie and say,"Yup. I got it."
Dakota looks at me with doubt in his eyes and asks, but pretty much states,"Are you lying?" I just nod my head and smirk. A lot of gang wives probably would have gotten in trouble for lying, but with me and him, all I get is a kiss. I would've probably pulled him up to our bedroom, but that girl, Britney walked in before I could. I don't know why, but I get a bad feeling about her...maybe because she wore a crop top and very (very) short shorts yesterday when picking me and Dakota up and this morning she's wearing just a bra and short shorts. "Good morning."

Before I even say good morning to her, I look up at Dakota, to see where his eyes are. Thankfully, they are looking around the whole kitchen, nowhere near her boobs. I look at Britney and say,"Good morning. You do realize you only have your bra and shorts on, right?" As nicely as I could, as nice as a girl can be to a girl who is giving her husband a show. She looks down at her body and, without really looking worried, says,"Oh my gosh. I better go get a shirt on." Then walks out, probably to get on another slutty outfit.
"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" I ask Dakota with a smirk. Instead of smirking back, he turns to the stove and simply answers,"Nope. Never did, never will." I was confused, never did? How long has he known Britney? Why is he acting so weird? Before I could ask any questions, his Mom walks in, barely awake...until she sees that we're up...

"Good morning guys! What are you guys doing up so early?" She gets so excited. I smile sweetly and say,"Good morning. I couldn't fall back asleep, so I woke Dakota up and we came down to make coffee and breakfast. How did you sleep?"
"Great! Dakota's Dad should be down in a couple hours, he went to the bar last night and had a few too many beers.." Amber says, laughing. Do all men in this family drink until their eyes fall out?

We made breakfast: eggs, bacon, and toast. It was really good because Dakota has a secret recipe for the eggs and my mouth was watering before he even started cooking it. Dakota's dad sat at the end of the table with Dakota on his left and they talked about gang stuff. While, Dakota's mom sat at the other end of the table with me on her right and we talked about how everybody was doing.
Britney walks in with a crop top on that says 'Ready for Moola' and light colored skinny jeans with a lot of tears in them. She has a piercing on her belly button and it was not attractive, at least in my opinion. Why were Dakota's parents letting her stay here? I don't even know who she is. I need to remember to ask someone.

Without warning Britney sits next to Dakota and takes a piece of his bacon, then starts eating it way too seductively, staring at him. I actually got sick to my stomach. "How did everybody sleep last night? I slept horribly." she says, still staring at him, who is just glaring at her. I almost laughed out loud. I decide to mess with her head, like she seems to be doing to us. "Me and Dakota slept really bad also, we were occupied with something else..." I state (even though we were too tired and nothing actually happened) looking over at him, seductively and hoping her would go with it. Then instead of glaring at me, like he did to Britney, Dakota smirks at me with a devious look then states,"Yeah, we were very busy." I loved the look Britney was giving us. A look of surprise, jealously, and anger. I'm not much for showing off, but this was another story, and a slut was involved.

After breakfast, Dakota left the table in a hurry without an excuse, but he gave me a really weird look before getting up from the table. I could tell, just from the seductive look he gave me, that my future included meeting Dakota in our room in a few minutes.
I started making my way down the hall that led to Dakota's room, but was suddenly slammed into the wall near his door. Not hard enough to hurt me, but hard enough for me to let out a sharp gasp of surprise (in fact, the person's hand was on the back of my head, so they might have a sore hand from all the force). I was only given a second to comprehend that I was being pressed up against the wall with a rock solid body (obviously Dakota's) in front of me and one buff arm on each side of my head. I didn't even have time to open my eyes before a pair of soft, plump lips came crashing into mine, starting out slow and sensual before turning rough and heated. At first, Dakota's kisses were filled with him biting and nibbling at my lips, then became more of a war over dominance. The war was won by Dakota because, he is 5 times stronger than me and, of course, that included his mouth.

Even though I didn't get to be dominant, it was just as amazing. His tongue explored my mouth and I got to explore his as well. Dakota picked me up by the waist, without breaking our kiss once, and I was soon dependent on his hands holding me up against the wall by my butt. We still weren't moving into the bedroom so, while he was leaving kisses and bites down my neck, I was thinking about a few things. It kind of started to bother me that I didn't always get to have Dakota in the palm of my hand at times like these, unlike him with me.
But instead of thinking about this for very long, I acted on it, by pushing his head out of my neck and gave him a devious smirk. I moved his face slightly to the left and grazed my bottom lip along his neck before starting to kiss, then soon nibble at it. I could feel his breaths starting to get heavy and his grip on my ass getting shaky.

Before I was about to end up on the hardwood floor, I tightened my legs around his waist, pulled my lips to his ear and whispered,"Lets go to the bedroom.." Then started sucking his earlobe, which got him moving towards the bedroom pretty fast.
After setting me on the bed and going over to lock the bedroom door, Dakota crawled on top of me, using his arms to support his body. Once he started kissing my neck, I felt his excitement on my leg and I moved my hands down to his zipper. Of all the boxers he could have worn, Dakota was wearing his hamburger ones, but at this point I could care less.

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