Hailey's Mistake Part 2

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Dakota's parents new house

Dakota's POV
When I had to tell Rose's friend, Hailey, she was going to be kicked out of the gang, I could see Rose was about ready to kill me in the corner of my eye. I would gladly keep Hailey in the gang, keeping what she did on the DL, but not until Rose admits how good I treat her.

After the meeting

"Come here." Rose said, pulling me by the arm. She dragged me into a dark room and closed the door, as I turned on the light.
"What." I said in a cold tone. Rose stared at me with a pissed look and said, "Let what Hailey did, slide."
"No. She has to pay for what she did." I told her, without hesitation.
"Why! She has been a loyal gang member for years!" Rose yelled after a moment of silence.
"I will. Once you admit how great you have it with me being your husband." I couldn't help but smirk, I have the upperhand...for once.
"No. You treat me like crap." Rose said.
I grabbed her arm forcefully and squeezed, this is me being a normal gang leader husband. I felt sort of bad doing this, but Rose has to know how good she has it, even if it means taking the goodness away. "Don't push your luck." I said clenching my jaw.
I started loosening my grip after a minute of us giving each other death glares, our faces only inches away from each other.
As I let go of her arm slowly, Rose got on her tiptoes and leaned her lips near my ear, then whispered, "Your going to regret this or at least a certain part of you will."
After stating this, Rose just walked out the door, turning off the light.

Rose's POV
I actually thought Dakota might be starting to be nicer, but it was the exact opposite.
"I'm going to miss you so much." I told Hailey when I got to their house. I could feel the tears in my eyes building.
If she left the gang, we wouldn't be able to see each other, I hate Dakota for doing this. I actually thought of telling him that he treats me great, but he called me and told me he was going to New York to see his younger sisters, Hannah and Faith. That means I have a few days to decide what I'm going to do.
"I wish I didn't make such a big mistake. That guy wasn't even worth it, he was like a virgin." Hailey stated after of moment of wiping her tears. I had to say my next remark.
"Extra virgin." Then, because we have a lot of inside jokes, Jozalin told the end of the joke, "Are just virgins showing off." We all burst out laughing.
We came up with that joke when the last one of us lost our virginity, I forgot who though.

That night

Hailey's POV
I couldn't believe I was going to be kicked out of the gang, I even heard Dakota was planning on killing me personally. He wouldn't do that, right? I didn't know if I should tell Rose or not, so I asked her to spend the night. When I did decide whether or not I should tell her, Rose would be here.

"What movie do you want to watch Hailey?" Rose asked, with all everyone agreeing to me picking the movie. "How about Pretty Woman, that is the best movie ever." I answered smirking at everyone's eye rolls and disappointed sighs.
"Ugh okay." Jozalin said after a moment of silence.

Middle of the movie

I finally decided to tell Rose about the rumors I heard. "Rose? I need to talk to you in the bathroom." I whispered to her. Rose and I got up quietly and tiptoed to the bathroom.
"What?" She asked once we got into the bathroom and closed the door.
"...I heard some rumors, from some trustworthy sources that...Dakota was planning on killing me personally because of my unloyalness to the gang..." I informed Rose, stuttering a lot.
"A-Are you sure?" She asked after a moment of standing there with her mouth hanging open slightly. "Yes, i could be wrong, but i don't want to die." I answered.
Rose nodded her head and said, "Okay...When Dakota comes back from his trip to New York, stay close to me and if he tries to do anything...I will personally stop him...in a way I know always works..." Then she went to continue watching the movie.
I know what she plans on doing but if he knows what she is planning, he could kill her.

Dakota's POV
I love seeing my sisters because it gives me time to relax and sleep in.
"DD when do we get to meet your wife? You have been married to her for a while." My oldest younger sister (13) Hannah told me. That's when I realized that me and Rose must be coming up on our 10 month anniversary, which is exciting considering I haven't had a relationship longer than a month.
"Yes, but not for a while." I tried to answer in a happy tone, but obviously failed. "What's the matter D-man?" My youngest sister (9), Faith asks in a worried tone.
"Uh... To be honest, I love her. But if she loves me, a miracle would have to happen." I admitted clearing my throat afterwards.
"Aww! Let us talk to her, we can make her love you." Faith went to the kitchen and brought back a play sword and started hitting the couch mercilessly. Which made Hannah join in.
"Haha you two are funny, but I'm not sure that will help. She's too hardheaded!" I was almost falling over laughing.
I love visiting my Dad in the house I grew up in, the house has been in the family for generations. Also at home, Dad's less stressed and now Mom gets to have him home almost all the time, and my sisters get to live with both mom and dad.
Their house is in Sitka, Alaska and could fit me and Rose's house in it.
"Dakota, can you come up to my office please?" My Dad called from his office, which is pretty much useless now. "Yup. Don't get hurt you two!" I yelled to my sisters as I walked up the staircase.
"Yeah Dad?" I asked once I reached his study. "Sit down, lets talk." He motioned towards a chair by his desk.
"So...how are you and Rose? Any tries for an heir?" He asked once I sat down. "Um no. Why? We have to have an heir by the time I am 35...We still have a loooong time." I simply stated. "No, I know. I just mean, how are you two as a couple?" Dad cleared up, laughing slightly.
"We have our ups and downs" I admitted.
"Well, bring her here. Your Mom and sisters will do wonders. By the end of the week, she'll be all over you." Dad said laughing. "I wish I could, but not right now. One of Rose's best friends, Hailey, slept with a Mexican, single gang leaders and I have to kick her out. Rose is pretty pissed." I told him with a disappointed look.
"Stupid. Don't kick her best friend out. Rose will be pissed. Forget about the friend and go for the prize...Rose." He told me, without hesitatiPOV
I guess I could, but she would think she won.
"But I told Rose how good she has it and she was like 'you treat me like crap' and I told her I would let her friend go if she admitted it. Rose will think that she won." Dad looked at me with an emotionless look, he is where I got mine from, for a moment and then said, "Let. Her. Go....You will thank me for the results." And he walked out, stopping at the door looking back at me with a devious smirk.
I guess it's time to go and kiss up.

Rose's POV
Dakota texted me and told me he was coming home tonight. I knew he would, his Dad is so bossy and mean, I'm surprised he even had Dakota.
"Dakota's coming home tonight. Should I use his body against?" I asked Hailey in a slurred speech with an evil smirk.
We decided to hang out, just us and get drunk on my couch so we could talk about what Dakota might be planning. Not that I would ever let that happen.
"Haha yeah, he adores you. I wonder if, when you sleep with him once, he will still be so turned on by everything you do." Hailey asks sitting up like she just saw the hottest guy in the world. I was laughing hysterically. "Probably not, by the 3rd time he will most likely be over the excitement." We both nodded our heads.
"You better go, he should be home in a few hours and I need to drink a few mugs of coffee." I got up and went to take our glasses to the sink.
"Yeah...I'll help." Hailey gets up, takes the last sip of beer and hugs me. Then walks out the door to her bodyguard/driver I hired to keep her safe until I know Dakota's got her out of his sights to kill.
Its almost time to use his body to my pleasure.

Any Ideas? Let me know by commenting or texting me! Sorry about accidentally posting part 2, I pressed the wrong button.
Follow me babes!

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