Still In Charge

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Left- Gang leader from Mexico
Right- Rose's Dress

Dakota's POV
I realized that last night, the weed me and Rose smoked had to be mine because gang wives can't get weed or cigarettes (gangmembers are all around this state). Which is why they have to buy it from other guys or steal them. And Rose doesn't like getting help from guys and she's horrible at stealing.
I didn't really care at first because Its just weed and I can get it for free anywhere. Until I realized I had condoms and birth control in my drawer, but I was sort of glad she found them so she knew I wanted to be more than friends, but then I realized I also had a letter in there from my ex girlfriend, who I only dated to get to her gangs central. I only kept the letter because I liked her handwriting and I was too lazy to throw it out. I hope Rose didn't get the wrong idea.

That afternoon at a bar

Dakota's POV
I decided to make sure all the gangmembers knew I was back and haven't turned into a wuss. So I took Rose out to a bar to play pool and just let loose for the night, but for once I decided not to drink too much so I could drive us home and keep an eye on anyone who got near Rose.
"Ready?" I yelled from downstairs after a half an hour of waiting for Rose to get dressed. She walked out of our bedroom in a black, skin tight dress with red high heals and her hair pulled back in a red ponytail holder. She had slight cleavage showing, but not too much where I would want her to change. Besides that body is mine.
"Wow. You clean up nice." I said looking her body up and down. "Haha thanks you do too."

Driving down the highway was a struggle for me because I couldn't get enough of her body and I just wanted to rip that dress of her hot body and kiss every part of her, but I didn't want to drive us off the road.
As we walked in, a few girls were looking at me and a couple guys were looking at Rose. So we both looked at each other a knew what to do.
Very loudly, I said "Well babe, have fun with your friends. Love you" and Rose winked at me and replied with, "Okay, don't drink too much sweetie.".
I leaned in and kissed her cheek and winked at her then walked away. Knowing we wanted a night without being followed by the opposite sex bothering us and being a good couple and making a plan without actually talking. But I wish she could see how much it pains me to see her and know she might not even love me as much as I do her.

Rose's POV
I was so happy to finally get out of the house for the night and hang out with my girls and NOT have to deal with guys, thanks to Dakota and I's geniusness and knowing each other so well. I got 30 dollars to spend from him and I was going to use it all up and get wasted!
"Hey girls!" I yelled to Jozalin, Hailey, and Taylor. "HEY" they all yelled back to me, already drinking tequila shots and had one ready for me...I love them so much...
I downed about 3 tequila and 7 whiskey shots and was not ready to stop until I couldn't stand anymore.
"Rose, pace yourself!" Taylor yelled over the music, laughing with Jozalin. I looked around and realized that Hailey wasn't here drinking with us.
"Where's Hailey?!" I yelled to Jozalin and Taylor. As they looked around, I noticed her drink was half gone, then felt someone tap my shoulder. "Hey Rose, we found Hailey. She left with a sort of cute guy named Eric!" I turned around to see Taylor pointing at Hailey and some really tall guy with jeans and a blue striped shirt on (who I was guessing was Eric) leaving the bar with lust in their eyes...Me and Taylor looked at each other and yelled, "OUR BESTIE IS GETTIN LAID!" And Jozalin came and joined in our group yell. Then we got more drinks.

Later that night

Dakota's POV
As I was playing pool with my boys, I noticed one of Rose's friends walking out with the gang leader of a sort of big gang down in Mexico. I was going to try and stop her but, I didn't feel like starting a fight at 11:00 at night and me, drunk. I should have stopped her from going with that gangleader because, if a gangmember (who is a girl) has sex with a gangleader, who is single and a leader of a different gang than the girl, the girl has to join his gang. Hailey can't join my gang again if she sleeps with him and I wished I could have warned her but I can't worry about every one of my gangmembers.
I would have told Rose, but that's when I saw Rose smoking weed probably...

Challenge: If this chapter gets at least 50 comments and 50 votes, I will add two chapters every week!! If you don't achieve the challenge, I will only add one chapter every week, or every other week.

Weird chapter, I know. So many of you were so eager for this chapter! That is why I decided to have a challenge (only one time, I promise).

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