Rules of Marriage

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Top left- Shadow's Driver's car
Top right- Shadow's Driver, Phil
Bottom left- Patrick (Rose's Dad)
Bottom right- Henry (Shadow's Dad)

Rose's POV
After hearing the bad news of me not being able to become G6's gang leader and becoming a gang wife, I was so mad...People think that being a wife of a gang leader (or even a gang member) is all about spending money and bossing servants around, its not. You have to "pleasure" your husband, raise the kids, you have no place in the gang, any decisions made within the gang you have no say, and you have to be quiet and respectful to your husband, especially parties.
"I DON'T WANT TO BE A SHOW WIFE!!!" I yelled to my friends, when Jozalin wanted to go out for a smoke. "What are you going to do?!!" They all yelled back. I glared at them, "...Really...If I knew what to do, would I be here yelling I don't want to be a show wife?!?" They are so stupid sometimes. "HEY ROSE! MY OFFICE! NOW!" I saw my dad yelling at me through his office door.

Patrick's POV
My daughter is very independent, opinionated, and not afraid to speak her mind. That's why I was nervous about her never finding a man she loved in this gang so, a few weeks ago, when I found out G6 and AAK were at risk for the other littler gangs coming together and attacking us, me and Henry decided to come together in alliance. But we were having a hard time deciding which of our heirs would lead our newly aligned gang, so we decided to have them marry and his son Dakota would be the gang leader. So I killed two birds with one stone, Rose can bring an heir to the gang into the world one day, and we didn't have to worry about any little gangs teaming up and taking us down...We had 3 million gang members in G6, now we have 6 million combined with AAK.
"ROSE! MY OFFICE! NOW!" I yelled for her to come into my office because she was 15 minutes late and I don't like late people. As she walked in, Rose kept her head down and she was silent, she'll be a good show wife with that attitude.
"Now, here are some of the details of your wedding." I say clearing my throat. "Rose, the rules for you in this marriage are:
1. You have to pleasure Dako---""Shadow." Dakota interrupted me. "What?" I asked with obvious warning in my voice, hoping he will notice it and back down. "Call me Shadow. Not Dakota." He says with an annoyed tone and piercing brown eyes. "Okay. Anyways." I go on.
"1. Rose, you have to pleasure Shadow" I emphasize the name he wants me to call him. "Whenever he wants it. And this means sexually and verbally. So this means when he comes home, you have to ask 'how was your day' and etc.
2. You must have at least one son within 10 years of you marriage. If you can't conceive, you may use a gang member as your surrogate.
3. If you, Rose, cheat on Shadow, he can divorce you or kill you. His choice. But he can do whatever he wants.
4. Be respectful to Shadow and he can hit you if he doesn't like what you say to him or about him.
5. You have to sleep in the same bed when you move in together."
After saying these rules to Rose, she looked so pissed. She was going to argue but I held out my pointer finger and said, "no negotiations." And, thankfully, she obeyed.
And now for Shadow's rules. "Shadow, your rules are,
1. You can cheat, but do it on the down low.
2. You can hit her, but don't kick her stomach or she could not be able to have heirs.
3. Give Rose money to spend on herself, you, and stuff for the house.
4. Don't let Rose disrespect you, she is your wife and her actions reflect onto you. Don't hit her in front of people, do into another room so you don't look unelegant.
5. You will be the leader of this whole gang in 2 weeks and you get to choose the name for the gang. And that's about it. Questions?" They both looked so pissed. I could've laughed but Shadow could seriously hurt me, and Rose would probably let him. I was so glad they both just said no and walked out. I'm ready to go home and not deal with anymore gang issues.

Sorry about posting this so late, I had a test to study for. What did you think?

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