Hailey's Mistake Part 1

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Rose's PJs

Dakota's POV
The party was starting to get really crazy so I went to get Rose, so we could go home. I hate getting drunk when so many girls are around because I always wake up with the most annoying one.
"Rose, come on let's go!" I had to yell above all the music and crowdedness.
But I could tell Rose was really drunk and smelled like she smoked a stoners supply of weed.
"No! You can f**k off, I'm dancing with my girls and you can't stop me!!" Rose yelled unexpectedly. So I decided to show her who's boss here.
I grabbed her by the arm and threw her over my shoulder and walked out. I almost got stopped by a bartender, but I knew my boys would take care of him.
"What the hell Dakota! I can't go out and not have to worry about you coming and ruining it!" She yelled once we got outside where there was less noise. "Wherever you go, I go, Wife." I said simply, ignoring the fact that she called me Dakota.

At home

"Go get pj's on." I told Rose once we walked into our house. As I got her coffee (so she wouldn't have too mad of a hangover tomorrow), I heard her walking down the steps very loudly.
As she walking into the kitchen, I could tell she was about to give me a piece of her mind, which I was not afraid of considering I could kill her with my pinkie. But Rose didn't say anything, she just sat on the counter.
"Rose get down, this is where we eat." I told her and got up from the table and put her coffee in a cup that said: coffee is a good kind of drug.
"No." She replied simply and got her coffee from my hands and sat back down on the counter. I just gave her a death glare, because she wasn't in her right mind.

The next morning

Rose's POV
I woke up this morning with a slight headache and nausea. I saw that Dakota was laying next to me, looking pretty tired. The thing that caught my attention was that he had only boxers on and I only had my bra and underwear on. What the hell happened her last night!
"Dakota!! What the hell!?" I yelled so loud, even Dakota (who is a gang leader and "fearless") jumped.
As he looked around clueless, he realized it was me who yelled and he looked like he was going to kill me.
"What the hell Rose!? You don't do that to someone in my position!!" He yelled after a minute. I almost laughed. "And what position is that, my king?!" I yelled back sarcastically as I got up and put on clothes.
"Why did you wake up like this!? Do you need me to pin you back down to this bed and make you get up on the right side?!" Dakota said threateningly. "Well you had all night to pin me to this bed as you took advantage of me being drunk last night!!!!" I yelled as loud and mad as I could.
Dakota looked so confused at first, before he realized I was in my bra and underwear.
"Rose! I swear to god!! I would never take advantage of you! Last night you were drinking coffee and your phone rang with your favorite song and you danced, taking your clothes off in the process!! I tried to put them back on, but you were passed out and I was tired so, I gave up! It's not like you had anybody to worry about! I treat you like a princess, do you see how some gang leaders and members treat their wives!?" He yelled, getting up out of bed, brushed his teeth, got dressed and walked to the door. But when Dakota walked passed to me, he grabbed me by the arm really hard and brought his face really close to mine and said, "You are about to find out." He stared at me with emotionless eyes as he loosened his grip on my arm.
I was glad he was gone, I was going over to my friends house.
I was a little worried about what Dakota was going to do.

Friends house

"Hello!!" I yelled as I walked through their door. I heard everyone from the kitchen yell hi back.
I walked into the kitchen. "Hey, whats going on?" I said after getting a coffee.
"Nothing, where did you go last night? You just left." Jozalin asked, eating cereal. "Dakota. He made me go home. He's such a jerk. And then we got into a fight this morning about how he treats me like a princess. He treats me like crap." I complained to them.
I noticed all of them staring at me, with not very happy faces.
"What? Why are you staring at me?" I asked.
"Dakota does treat you like a princess." Taylor said getting toast.
"Yeah do you see how some of these gang leaders treat their wives? Really badly." Hayley asked.
"Guys, we have to go." Hayley's sister said, walking down the stairs.
"Where?" I asked. "There's a gang member meeting, we don't know what about though, it was just called yesterday." Hayley's sister answered, looking for something in her purse.
"I'm coming too." I said simply and got an apple.

Gang meeting

"Whats the meeting about?" I asked a guy beside me.
He gave me a weird look and then said, "Someone is getting kicked out of the gang, that's all I know." Then he walked away.
I sat down in my chair, near the head of the table...Dakota's seat. He is finally being treated like the gang leader.
You can tell Dakota is a great gang leader because, all he had to do to get everyone to be quiet, he just put his hand up.
"As some of you have heard, someone is the gang has done something, maybe unintentionally, but not allowed." Dakota started. I wonder what he/she did?
"Hailey, come up here." He said with a cold/emotionless look. Why was Hailey going up there?
"Yes sir." She said as she walked up to Dakota, looking fearful.
"A few nights ago, you slept with a single, Mexican gang leader. In the next few days, you will be taken out of the gang." He says, Hailey looking about ready to puke.

No more writers block! Thanks for all the ideas!

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